
Today I will flip

January has been a great month for learning new things. First, eating, then sitting and then yesterday, baby Theo picked up another brand new skill, flipping. This kid is totally on a roll.

He’ll be turning 6 months next week and it’s like he just decided he’s had enough of being a helpless little baby. For almost 6 months, he’s been sitting on the sidelines watching his siblings partake in all manner of fun activities and I think he’s feeling a little left out.

Lesson in mobility step 1: Doing the flip.

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Today, I will flip.

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I said…today, I will FLIP!

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No? Ok, flipping is way harder than it looks. 4 seconds of this and I need a break already.

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Ooommphh. Head. Too. Heavy.

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Hang on, this is not working. Let me contemplate how we should do this.

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Cooperate, head!! You are not making this easy.

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*battle roar* TODAY, I WILL FLIP!!!

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Oh, oh, oh, I’m doing it!

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I did it! I did it! I did it! I flipped!!!

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Did you see me, momma? Did you see me do it??


Yes, I most certainly did. :) This little pumpkin is so amazeballs I could have him for breakfast.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Eileen January 16, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    haha.. good one :) Cute bb

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