the husband

In honor of the birthday boy.

Today is a little sappy because it’s the husband’s birthday and sometimes husbands deserve a birthday post in their honor. Especially when it’s a milestone like 33.

The first time I celebrated his birthday was when he turned 21 and 12 years on, we’re still at it so I’d say that it’s turned out quite well indeed.

So let’s see, here are some fun facts you might not know about the husband. He’s probably going to slaughter me for posting this on the blog but it’s all part of the territory, being married to someone who owns a blog and has very little self control when it comes to matters of oversharing.

1. We call each other baby. Or babe for short. As in I call my very strong and macho husband the same term of endearment I use on girly girlfriends. I’m not sure how it works but it works and he’s manly enough not to mind it one bit.

2. He has more shoes than I do. Marginally but still, more is more.

3. He’s the biggest U2 fan I’ve ever seen. I’m talking every single album + hours and hours on youtube listening to the same song kind of fan.

4. He really good at making up wacky games for the kids. Till this day, I still don’t know how the oobie doobie game works but the kids seem to get the rules.

5. In another life, he would be Walter White. Minus the chemistry teacher bit and cancer bit and the meth bit. Also the generally being an ass bit. He’d be a really sweet and nice and much hotter Walter White.

6. He writes better than I do. It’s a difficult feat to achieve but sigh…

7. He once shouted “LIME! LIME! LIME! I NEED LIIIIIIME!!! in a crowded supermarket on a dare. Thankfully, I’ve stopped issuing dares and he’s stopped accepting them.

8. He likes stationery. I know, it’s crazy. He loves going to stationery stores to look at writing implements and notebooks and folders!!??? I guess it sort of makes birthday present shopping easier but I don’t know what to all the stationery we have at home.

9. When we first got together, I told him that I was planning to have 7 kids and he said with a straight face, “ok!”

10. He’s my best friend in the entire world. It’s sappy for couples to refer to each other as their best friends but there it is. I love hanging out with the guy and we still talk for hours about everything from which Disney villain would win in a smackdown (hands down, Ursula) to who gets first dibs on getting an autograph if we ever meet Robin Van Persie (that would be me, obviously).

I sometimes think that our family of 5 is off on a little sailboat out at a great big scary sea. And I’m glad I’ve got him with me on the boat, all calm and strong and brave and steady, making sure we get to where we’re going and we’re enjoying the ride while we get there. I would follow this man anywhere.

Happy birthday, sweetheart!

kel & daf

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  • Reply Hilda Han September 12, 2013 at 11:26 am

    Lol! You’ve got 4 more children to have! :) I’m going to be the same age as your hubby, but I’m done! Hehe… happy birthday to him, fellow monkey!

    • Reply Daphne September 13, 2013 at 9:40 am

      LOL that was before I actually went and had my first kid. Safe to say that the number has been revised downwards quite significantly. And thanks from the husband!

  • Reply SengkangBabies September 12, 2013 at 1:59 pm

    This is such a sweet post Daphne, my goosebump almost surface !
    Wonder when my Mrs will pen such sweet stuffs to me leh..

    You guys keep the romantic flame burning,
    and four more kids will be easily achieved :p

    cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..KidZania Singapore

    • Reply Daphne September 13, 2013 at 9:41 am

      Thanks Andy! I’m sure the missus feels the same way about you. :)

  • Reply Onde2 September 13, 2013 at 12:34 am

    So sweeeet :) you guys are so lucky !!

    • Reply Daphne September 13, 2013 at 9:42 am

      Aww thanks!! Yeah I did snag a good one heh.

  • Reply Ai Sakura September 13, 2013 at 9:37 am

    Happy birthday to K!!! My hubby loves stationery too hahahaha. Usually I don’t even bother buying and just take his ;p
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..About Advertorials & Being PR-Friendly

    • Reply Daphne September 13, 2013 at 9:43 am

      Hahaha me too! And magically, more will appear. It’s like the magic bag of stationery.

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