

One of the great things about having a 5th baby is that you can stop being politically correct about things.

1st, 2nd, 3rd baby, you feel obliged to be all “boy or girl, it’s all the same to me, as long as the baby is healthy…” even if deep down inside, you really really had a preference.

5th baby, you’re done with all of that.

Right now, I’m not even going to pretend like I’m the slightest bit prepared to have another boy. I NEED A GIRL. I just had the delight of spending my afternoon watching my 3 boys summon Captain Destroyer to my living room. What’s that? It’s like how Captain Planet is summoned by the combined powers of the Planeteers, except this guy is way more destructive and basically does not care about the environment.

And every time the husband jokes about <insert random activity> with his 4 boys, I try to mask my panic because I know he’s kidding and I won’t give him the satisfaction of watching me fall for it but my involuntary facial twitches will just give me away.

If you’ve ever had a baby, you know that gender isn’t something within your control. You can munch on spinach while facing southeast during the full moon exactly 72 hours before you ovulate with a family of chickens running around under your bed while doing the naughty-naughty, but that’s no guarantee of having a girl. Short of going the IVF route, you just do it and hope that the odds are in your favour.

So the point of all of this is that…YES YES YES YES YES IT’S A GIRL!!!

I can confirm that Operation Baby Hayley is a success and balance to the force will soon be restored. I’m going to have one more of these sweet little things. :)))))

kirsten baby

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  • Reply Ally January 28, 2016 at 8:10 pm

    Congrats!!! I really salute u having a 5th baby.
    I am so wanting to get a 4th but I want a gal- no one can promise me it is definitely going to be a her.
    Ally´s last post ..A simple meal to start the day

  • Reply Jayne January 29, 2016 at 4:22 pm

    I don’t know why but i feel so happy for you :) I’m only 22 and had been put off by the idea of having kids. But ever since i started reading your blog three years ago, my perceptions about family, about raising kids have changed so much. So thank you, your family story has been such an inspiration for me. Congratulations on the girl!!

  • Reply Rin Chan January 29, 2016 at 10:27 pm


    Thought you might be keen! ^^

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