
Listening to my body

Moms are basically ninjas with 8 hands who can also teleport. It’s like we always have to do a thousand things and be everywhere at the same time.

Sometimes, I feel like my body is trying to tell me stuff like “take it easy”, “can’t keep up!” or “NEED. MORE. SLEEP!!!” but I just don’t have the time to stop and listen because I’ve got 4 little humans talking to me all day and night. On top of that, I’ve also got a job, a small but very fun label business, plus this little blog where I pen down my thoughts about being a wife and a mother. And right now, a ridiculously cute tiny baby who is also a tyrant. So um, what? My body needs me to slow down and recharge? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

daf + kids

And you know the crazy thing with moms is that we think placing ourselves at the bottom of a very long list makes us extra awesome. We wear it like a badge of honor, to see how much of a beating our bodies can take before we collapse. It’s insane. Then we sit down and ask ourselves: “Why did we do that?”

Like “Hey, I slept a total of 30 hours this week. Take that, all you weaklings who operate on 56 hours of sleep. Sleep is for the weak!” as if it will somehow makes us a better mom if we wear our bodies down and sacrifice more for the kids.

People say that age is only a number but lately, I’ve realized that age is actually catching up with me and the best thing I could do for my kids is to listen and take good care of my body. A fitter, stronger, sharper me will be able to do a better mommy job than a battered, exhausted, drained version of me. The kids don’t need a mom who’s barely able to keep it together – fatigued, aching everywhere, distracted, absent-minded, and dealing with a pounding headache. That mom is just sad.

What I need to do is start paying attention to the signals that my body is sending. That’s where BRAND’S® comes in, to remind me that help is only a bottle away. With BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken, it provides regular restoration to help keep me sharp, focused and alert all day, so I’m able to be on top of my game. It’s pretty much that extra boost I need to restore my mental and physical focus, and a bottle a day is all it takes help me be at my best.

brands chicken essence

BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken is now also available in convenient, easy-to-swallow tablets, which contain Vitamin B Complex, Iron and Vitamin E that provides a dual-action formula to boost mental alertness and protect against free radical damage.

It’s an easier and more convenient way to obtain the benefits of essence of chicken. Vitamin B Complex promotes energy production to support brain function and a healthy nervous system, Vitamin E helps to protect brain cells against free radical damage produced during heavy mental workload, while Iron assists in the formation of haemoglobin in red blood cells which transports oxygen to organs. The convenient pill form (60 tablets/bottle) is perfect for our busy mummy schedules.

All you need is two tablets a day, which contain the following:

  • Essence of chicken powder – 800 mg
  • Sodium ferrous citrate (10 mg iron) – 100 mg
  • Vitamin B2 – 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 1.6 mg
  • Vitamin B12 – 2 mcg
  • Folic acid – 0.2 mg

IBCE box n bottle

I’m still in the process of learning to listen to my body more and ideally, I’d also like to take a break and go hibernate for a week straight but with the kids all growing up so quickly, I guess that will have to wait. Although the truth is that parenting doesn’t get any easier as the kids get older and it’s important to remember that we need to make time to take care of ourselves along the way. Being a good parent becomes easier once we start looking after our own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.

It’s a good thing I have BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken for my daily boost to ensure that I am always bringing my A-game.


Stand a chance to win over $15,000 worth of Banyan Tree Resort & Spa packages and BRAND’S® hampers with a minimum of $25 worth of BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken products purchased.

SMS your entry to 90102322 in the following format: BRANDS <space>Name<space> NRIC<space>Receipt No<space>Gender E.g. BRANDS Ben Huang S1231234A 345678 M

//Ok, more great news – The team over at BRAND’S® has been really nice to come in with gifts for you guys! (:

Giveaway Time!

3 lucky winners will stand a chance to win a set of BRAND’S® products containing: 1 Pack of 6 BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken and 1 Bottle of BRAND’S® Essence of Chicken with Vitamin B complex+ Iron (60 Tablets) (worth $48.45). There are a total of 3 sets to be given away!

To Participate:

  1. Be a fan of both my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/motherinc.org) and BRAND’S® SG Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BrandsSG)
  2. Like and share this blog post on your Facebook wall with the comment: “BRAND’S® #Listentomybody Giveaway!” and remember to tag my Facebook page so that I can track the participation.

Contest will end 25th October, Saturday 6pm.


  1. All criteria must be fulfilled to be eligible for the giveaway.
  2. Organizer reserves the right to decide the winner.
  3. Prizes cannot be redeemable for cash or exchangeable for other products.
  4. Prizes must be self-collected from Organizer’s office.
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1 Comment

  • Reply Lyn lee October 19, 2014 at 7:50 pm

    Totally agree that mums need to take care of themselves. There’s so much guilt when I take time off for myself but I just quash those thoughts and tell myself these times are already so few and far between!
    Lyn lee´s last post ..Trick Eye Museum – RWS Singapore (with Giveaway)

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