unqualified parenting tips

The mysterious powers of the security blanket

Both my kids have this thing called a security blanket, which is really a misnomer because it doesn’t provide much security at all.

Like if they were suddenly attacked by googly-eyed, baby-eating monsters in their sleep…

It’s not likely that this is going to happen.

If I were to choose a protective device against a monster attack, I’d choose something stronger like an adamantium shield or a force-field bubble. Heck, I’d even go with a large stick. Basically anything other than a piece of flannel.

But I get that the kids’ mental faculties are nowhere near as evolved as mine, so it’s really not their fault. And I’ve come to the conclusion that this whole security blanket is just all in their head. It’s got less to do with actual *security* and more with the mysterious mind-messing power of babysoft fabrics.

The moment you caress a baby’s face with a soft material like supersoft cotton or mink or satin or fleece, they go into the zone. Their eyes glaze over and all they can think about is “I like soft soft…” If they’re thumb-sucker or pacifier-addicts, they will instinctively reach for their sucker of choice. Even if they don’t suck anything, they will go into the stoning mode.

Armed with their security blanket, this is what they look like to us.

But to them, it looks entirely different.

Which works for us because we’re not about to mess with whatever helps them go to sleep. And honestly, we just need them to think that they’re safe because it’s our job to actually make sure they’re safe.

Now I just need to go find me-self an adamantium shield.

*Cute monster drawings by Siew, Child Label. Slightly less cute kid drawings by Daphne, Mother, Inc.

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  • Reply Christina November 17, 2011 at 2:17 pm

    Mom said I had a security blanket when I was young, and I will stare at it whenever mom took it for a wash. Now, my darling have a security blanket too (is basically a receiving blanket), she needs it to feel secure :)

  • Reply Ai Sakura November 17, 2011 at 3:18 pm

    Awww your kid drawings are as cute as the monster drawings ;p
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Thankful Thursday: The Name Game

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips November 21, 2011 at 1:41 am

    Okie wad! Everything looks cute together! I like the super duper force field and rainbow. And baby girl’s pigtails. Lol.
    Bun Bun Makeup Tips´s last post ..The Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eyeliner Is Probably Not For Oily Eyelids

  • Reply Elaine November 21, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    Eh.. I thought Tru’s security blanket was this large white thing? When did it become this cute blue bear?

    Yes, all the drawings are cute. But isn’t the super duper field force supposed to repel monsters instead of rainbows and stars? :P

    • Reply Daphne November 23, 2011 at 10:31 am

      Haha it’s still the large blue blanket but it’s too big so for illustration purposes, I’m making it a tiny blue bear. :)

  • Reply Eternal November 23, 2011 at 11:11 am

    The stars and rainbow should be in the bubble field.

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