Kirsten goes to school, Truett goes to school

Here’s hoping for a miracle

So there’s been an interesting turn of events in this school searching situation. As it turns out, it seems like there’s a glimmer of hope that Emmanuel Playgroup may continue its program next year.

A couple of days ago, some of the mothers came together to petition for the school to continue next year. Yes, hi, I’m 12. The last time I petitioned for something was in Primary School and it involved multi colored shoelaces because that was the one thing that made you cooler than the rest of the white-laced school population. That and a skirt 2 inches shorter than everyone else. If you must know, it wasn’t even remotely close to being successful.

Anyhow, we’re in the midst of petitioning the school board to keep its doors open next year for our little bundles of *raw potential*. Uncut diamonds. The dreams of the next generation. You know, the sort of inspirational euphemisms we use to describe kids in order to divert attention from the compulsive screaming terrors that they actually are.

Hopefully, we’ll have some good news in the next few days. Or I’ll have to start camping outside with placards. Or chain myself to the school gate.

In semi-related news, the same group of awesome mothers put together a farewell lunch for all the teachers on Tuesday. We got to spend a little time with the people who have been taking care of our kids this past year and it was a splendid time. Also, I never turn down a buffet of butter naans and masala.

The mothers with the teachers of Joy class.

Long story short, I never thought I’d be chilling out having lunch with my son’s teachers but I’m really glad we did. Totally not weird at all.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Jus December 5, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    Hope the petition is successful!
    Jus´s last post ..Hong Kong through a toddlers eyes

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