
Truett’s Birthday Time Capsule 2015

Truett turned 7 when we were in Melbourne. 7!! If it was up to me, you know I’d choose to have my babies remain babies for as long as I could. Basically forever. Which is why I’m glad such things not up to me because this way, I get to meet Truett as a 7-year-old, and that is turning out to be such a delight.


Hey Truett,

One of these days, you’re going to wonder what you were like as a 7-year-old and when that day comes, I’ll be happy to give you this little time capsule made up of words and pictures.


7-year-old you is a pretty cool cat. You know how it is when you really like someone and it turns out they’re yours and you can’t believe you lucked out so madly? That’s how being your mom makes me feel all the time. Looking at you reminds me of how good I’ve got it.


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You’re enormous now, all limbs and joints everywhere, but I like that a lot. It’s the perfect height for me to put my arms around your shoulders as we walk. Daddy hopes that you’ll be as tall as Jeremy Lin, and who knows? At the rate those limbs are growing, there’s a chance of that happening. On the flip side, I tried to hoist you up onto a chair the other day and I couldn’t even lift you off the ground.

“It’s ok, mom, I can do it myself.” you said, half amused. Yes, you can. I’ll just need a little time to get used to this big boy version of you.

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Much as I want to be your entire world, I’ve come to terms with relinquishing control of Sole Provider Of Fun For Truett LLC so you can form your own friendships. It’s such a joy watching you hang out with your friends, and hearing stories of all the fun you had.

Although I’m not sure what I feel about all the semi-crushed handwritten love notes you bring home, which reads along the lines of “You must promise to call me everyday. I’ll be your friend forever.” I suppose you need to remember to put the notes into your folder so it doesn’t get crushed. Also, we’re going to have to talk about phone privileges/restrictions soon.

How about food? One of the perks of having a big kid has to do with food. Remember our epic food battles when you were a baby? You probably don’t. Why would you? Because you didn’t spend hours slaving over the stove to have all that nutritious baby food spat out, flung away and screamed at. I’d try to force you to eat and you’d show me your impressive collection of patented vomit faces.

Just the other day, you tried some of my egg white wrap with spinach and feta cheese! And liked it!!! I was fully expecting the return of Truett’s Vomit Faces®, but you nodded thoughtfully as you ate and then asked for more. This marks the beginning of a new chapter, one where we are not eating the same soup and fish for dinner everyday. I’m so relieved.

I like your company as much as you seem to still enjoy mine. Cheap thrill, but it’s so nice to have someone get my jokes and send some right back. These days, I don’t have to wait for daddy to come home to appreciate my wit because I have you and Kirsten.

<<Finn was feeling emo and he wanted me to carry him everywhere but I got really tired so I put him down for a minute. “CARRY ME, MOMMY!” he said, tearfully. “You WANT to carry me!” “Umm, no, I actually do not,” I mumbled. You caught that and started laughing uncontrollably. That was our moment.>>

Speaking of, we were playing charades the other day and Kirsten was walking up and down the room with her hands holding an imaginary backpack. We were all “What is that?? Exercise! Shoulder roll!! Catwalk!!” She got so exasperated, saying, “This is so easy, what am I holding??”

“Holding…your nipples?!!” you blurted.

I never laughed so hard at a game of charades.

Watching you attempt the tree surfing in Melbourne, I could tell that there were moments where you wanted to give up. It was freezing, your hands hurt, and parts of the obstacle course looked terribly daunting. Several times, you stood at the edge of the platform, considering if you should take the next step.

“You can do it, Tru!!” I cheered. You smiled, gave me a thumbs up and kept going, even when it was hard and tiring and scary.


You’ve been asking us about having more siblings (?!!) I usually respond with how there are already so many of you kids running around and I couldn’t possibly handle another baby. Besides, you’d have to share what’s left of your exclusive mommy time with another baby.

“But babies are so cute and if you have another baby, I will help you,” you’d tell me. Amazingly, I know that you actually mean it.

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I love you, Tru. I’m so glad I get to be your mom. :)

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  • Reply Adeline July 7, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    Truth is I’m feeling really touched just by reading it. Such a awesome mom and it amazes me how you tackle all 4 kids and give them equal attention. Salute!

    • Reply Daphne July 7, 2015 at 7:58 pm

      Sigh it’s been getting harder to have as much alone time with each kid as I used to. So I’m glad for all the little moments I have with each of them. :)

  • Reply Eileen July 9, 2015 at 10:35 pm

    V nice! absolutely sweet! Having such sweet children makes everything worthwhile:)

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