
School’s in!!

It’s January 2nd and the year has well and truly begun. The kids are all back from their first day at school and I’m hiding out here munching on my mom’s leftover fruitcake to recover from the day.

//A digression coming your way – I’m somewhat of a fruitcake connoisseur, and this is an excellent fruitcake that my mom makes every christmas. Some fruitcakes, you have to munch through a whole bunch of cake to get to the rum-soaked fruit, but this one has awesome fruit to cake ratio where every bite is a wonderful surprise.//

Truett started Primary 1 today.

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I’m usually unfazed by this sort of thing but I have to admit, I was all nervy about his first day at Primary School. I labeled all his belongings, ironed his uniform, then packed and repacked his bag several times, only for the husband to take everything out from his bag upon discovering that he doesn’t need to bring textbooks to school this morning.

I think all this anxiety could be due to my own experience with Primary 1 many years ago. I don’t remember much else about Primary 1 except for these 3 very vivid memories.

1. I was a bawler on the first day of school. And second and third and fourth and fifth day. While other kids were saying their hellos and making friends, I hid at a corner and cried my eyes out because I’m averse to change and in Primary 1, everything changed. New school, new friends, new teachers, new classes, it was terribly overwhelming for a 7-year-old.

2. One time, a kid forgot him homework and the teacher went absolutely bonkers on him. She yelled and hurled his jotter book across the length of the classroom and right out the door. I don’t think I’ve ever been as terrified in my entire life as I was in that moment. My thoughts weren’t advanced as a 7-year-old but I remember thinking thoughts along the lines of “holy macaroons, it’s about to get real. No more of that “come, teacher give you a hug” preschool nonsense. You forget your homework and you’re barbequed satay bee hoon.”

3. Closely related to the second memory is that time where I indeed forgot to bring my homework. I ran to the payphone during recess and with trembling fingers, I dialled home and begged my mom to bring it down for me, because if she didn’t, I was sure that I’d be EXECUTE! before that day was over.

Fast forward 26 years and my son is starting his illustrious career as a Primary 1-er. First day of school and he’s already way more responsible than I was. He was up at 6 this morning and ready by 6.15am. He then spent the next 20 minutes reading his Math textbook??!! before making his way to school with the husband.

When I picked him up from school, he ran to give Kirsten a hug and said, “Primary 1 is quite fun and the chicken rice is nicer than any other chicken rice in the world. Next year when you are big like me, we can both go together.”

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1 day down, about 200 more to go!!

Update: Upon inspection, I found this ball of kiam chye in his bag. I think it’s supposed to be his time-table but a crucial piece got chewed off?? and now I have no idea what PHE, AC, PAL and CME are supposed to mean. So begins the first of many chats with his form teacher. :(



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  • Reply Ex-teacher January 2, 2015 at 8:21 pm

    PHE, – Physical and Health Education
    AC, – Art & Craft
    PAL – basically involves music etc
    CME – Civics & Moral Ed

    • Reply Daphne January 3, 2015 at 12:31 pm

      Thanks for this!! :)

  • Reply jaime January 7, 2015 at 5:37 pm

    hey! mine’s in P1 this year too! that torn time table is sooo hilarious!

  • Reply Su January 9, 2015 at 2:20 pm

    This blog is very funny. I am always dealing with kiam chye assignments, spelling tingxie lists. I have prepared plastic files so I deal with less kiam chye. This year, my girl gone to on P2, I have decided to laminate the timetable, spelling and tingxie list. Just today, I had to find some transparent tape as the assignment is not only torn, but kiam chye!

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