
The Melbourne Zoo

Seeing how much the kids love animals, the Melbourne Zoo was on the list of places we had to visit. Plus it’s located right in the city, which was like 5 minutes from where we were staying.

The animals were basically the same ones as those we have in the Singapore Zoo but the cool weather was divine. Even though the sun was out, it was nice not be be all sticky and sweaty and gross. We set the kids loose and we didn’t even break a sweat sprinting after them around the park.

It was ingenious how the animal enclosures were done. We could see all the animals up close, even the lions. I mean, there was a fence but I could pretty much stick my hand in to touch it if I wanted. I thought about reaching in to stroke the lion but then there was a chance I’d have my entire arm eaten right off. Which was why i didn’t, obviously.

All the animals were so close I could shoot them on my 50mm lens without any zoom.

Then we went on the outback trail to get up close with the classic australian outback animals. All the kangaroos and emus were just running free on the trail so we had to brief the kids to be quiet just in case they aggravated the animals and got themselves attacked by a kangaroo.

Truett was all “Shhhh, we need to be quiet, we cannot disturb the animals.”

We even got to see the elephants up close in the Asian-looking elephant village. The kids asked me what the words on the sign meant and evidently Bong Su means elephants. Or something.

And so I leave you with a video of Truett chasing birds. He didn’t catch any but he tried really hard so that’s 500 points for effort.

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  • Reply Irene September 16, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    Add another 1000 pts for standing up after falling down in the middle :)

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:15 pm

      Agreed. When it comes to chasing birds, this boy has some determination.

  • Reply Jaime Chan September 16, 2011 at 3:28 pm

    my son also loves to chase after birds….
    i still prefer singapore zoo any time…
    but the grass is so clean n green in melbourne zoo n the nice weather as well…tt something i cant get from the sg zoo

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:17 pm

      Yeah the Singapore Zoo is really good, the kids love it there too. And the animals are pretty much the same, just different enclosures and you’re right about the grass! Everyone just sits around on the grass to relax.

  • Reply June September 16, 2011 at 9:30 pm

    I soooo miss Melbourne! You guys sure look like you’re having loads of fun! Drink more coffee for me! (Best there is in the world…)

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:17 pm

      Haha we had coffee several times a day! Very very good.

  • Reply San September 17, 2011 at 2:58 am

    LOL! I agree with June. I totally love Aussie coffee!!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday! ;)
    San´s last post ..My art challenge

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:18 pm

      Thanks San! :)

  • Reply Yvonne Yeo September 17, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    Whoo…what a cute video of Tru. It seems like he is really into chasing the birds. Thanks for sharing such a cute video with the lovely song. Btw, may I know what is the title of the song?

    • Reply Daphne September 19, 2011 at 9:18 pm

      Thanks Yvonne! Oh and the song is Bitter Heart by Zee Avi.

  • Reply Ondine September 19, 2011 at 11:32 pm

    Tru has the same blankie as Muffin does from Carters. And the duck one that you blogged about that K lost, is the one Evan has too! Tonight, it went flying out the window. We haven’t figured out who the culprit is!

    • Reply Daphne September 20, 2011 at 2:21 pm

      Wow serious?!! Tru’s had his blankie since he was born and it’s unbelievably soft. Oh man, is Evan upset about his duck? I’ve got spare ducks so if u need one, just let me know!

      • Reply Ondine September 20, 2011 at 2:26 pm

        OH! Where did you get them from? I should stock up!

        • Reply Daphne September 20, 2011 at 2:27 pm

          Haha i think i got the last few ducks in the whole world. Ordered from the UK Goldbug website and shipped back.

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