
Paris with Finn + Theo

Yeah, so turns out that it’s true, Paris really is ridiculously beautiful. Very much so.

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From London’s St Pancras train station, we boarded the Eurostar on a 2.5 hour ride to Gare Du Nord in Paris. If you’re planning to travel on the Eurostar, I discovered that the earlier you book this, the cheaper it is. I priced the trip at about £40 several months back but I dawdled on it and when I finally made the booking a week prior to leaving, it was more than double. Urgh. So book fast once your dates are set.

Other than the fact that Theo spent most of the ride either yelling for food, eating the food or looking displeased that there was no more food, it all went rather well.

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We spent most of our time in Paris exploring the cobbled streets of the city, walking from Notre Dame Cathedral to Pont Des Arts, to the Pantheon, circling around for lunch at Latin Quarters, down to the Louvre, to Champs Elysees and then back to the Eiffel Tower, where our apartment was.

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It was a lot of ground to cover but I liked how being in Paris felt like a walk in the park. None of the madness of Oxford Circus, no shoving or jostling or getting tsked for slowing down and taking a knee because Finn wanted to look at squirrels.

We’d take the time to explore gorgeous Parisian bookstores like this one.

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We’d take time to run after birds or sit by the pavement on a bridge to listen to this guy singing a most soulful french number.

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Oh oh here’s a story of the bridge – I was snapping some photos of Finn, who was dutifully flashing his blue steel face for the camera. There was a Japanese girl next to us who squealed something about kawaii when she saw him, and then not-so-discreetly snapped a photo as well. I typically don’t mind strangers taking photos of the kids when they’re squealy kawaii Japanese girls but Finn immediately flashed her a deadly side stare, upon which she decided to make a quick getaway.

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Blue steel does not mess around.

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We managed to spend some time at the Louvre, which was a fabulous way to spend an afternoon. Even baby Theo had a great time pretending like he was a work of art.


How much for the interactive masterpiece hanging by the railing? Priceless. I’d take this one any day.

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And the Eiffel tower? Quite breathtaking, especially at night.

eiffel tower_

I feel like I need to spend some more time with this city at some point, but for a first visit, it was everything I hoped it would be. Plus a little bit more. :)

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  • Reply Biliana November 16, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    Hey, guys,

    are you ok? I hope you have had a goog time and already left Paris behind safely.

    All the best, lots of health and excellent memories from your European trip!

  • Reply Manillenials December 4, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    Hello Daphne, I stumbled upon your website and I just can’t help my self to say this: your children are so adorable! Their cute eyes, chubby cheeks and cool outfit. Urgh! Hahaha. Okay I’ll stop now, I am starting to sound like a creep >_<
    Paris is one of my dream travel destinations. I haven't been outside of Asia, so I'd probably visit the city of lights in the far future.

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