
Good things happen in winter

Having been to Melbourne 5 times in the last 5 years, I like that there’s still so much to discover in the city. Each new trip, we try to mix it up with some old fan favourites and throw in a couple of new experiences into the bag.

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//But first, you guys, I just discovered the best place to stay in Melbourne CBD. I almost didn’t want to share this because it’s such a gem of a discovery but a bit of love is what makes the world go round, amirite?

The past 4 times, we’ve gone for airbnb-style apartments and stayed at some really gorgeous, artsy homes but I’m going to go ahead and say that The Wyndham Melbourne Hotel has taken top spot for best place to stay in the city. Traveling with so many kids, my accommodation checklist is as long as my grocery shopping list (and that is looooong). Location, price, cleanliness, security, laundry service, a functional kitchen, sufficient living space, kid-friendliness, overall comfort; usually, something’s gotta give.

The Wyndham checks all the boxes. We booked a spacious 1-bedroom apartment with a full kitchen, daily housekeeping and free laundry service at $130 a night. Fab location too – it was a short walk from amazing coffee, brunch and desserts. I still can’t believe what a great deal we got for the place, did I mention $130 a night?

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desserts from brunetti’s

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with my selfie buddies at chez dre for brunch

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plenty of exploring to be done

Here’s a funny story. The hotel pool was supposed to be heated so on one of the evenings, we were like, “hey, let’s take a dip in the heated outdoor pool”. Seemed like a great idea at that time.

Just so we’re clear, removing pieces of clothing out in the open in 6 degree weather is not a fun experience. Then we jumped into the pool and instant hypothermia, y’all. That never happened again, the end.

It’s funny if you were there watching it.


Right then, let’s get the fun started with the Queen Victoria Winter Night Market. This takes place every Wednesday in winter (see, good things do happen in winter, it’s not all white walkers and undead invasion. But I’ll take a bag of dragon glass and a valyrian steel sword just in case) and it happens to be an excellent way to spend a wintery Wednesday evening.

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How about a real crackling fireplace to get those fingers toasty and warm?

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Pretty kids things by local designers. Kirsten spotted this lovely shop and whispered to the husband: “Quick, don’t let mommy go in or she will miss baby Theo and cry!!” She was right in that I immediately started missing my baby but that made me laugh and I was able to keep it together.

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Apples, who wants some sweet, juicy apples? Oh wait, it’s apple cider. Moving along, kids! None for you.

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Popcorn. My girl Kirsten has a popcorn addiction. She can sniff out popcorn from miles away and hunts it down like a bloodhound. Very impressive talent. There are worse things to be addicted to, I guess. Like drugs. Kids, don’t ever do drugs. Here, have some more popcorn.

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Finn watching a wonderfully bizarre performance by a mime-clown looking dude who was making very strange sounds on a very strange instrument. Strangely fascinating.

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Queen Vic Winter Night Market verdict: this one is going straight to the fan favourites list.

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