to Kirsten with love

Four looks good on you

kirsten 4

We had a mini-celebration for Kirsten’s fourth birthday over the weekend and I swear these birthday things are rolling around faster and faster. I can’t believe she’s already 4. Seriously, 4! One moment she was stealing my heart with her squishy baby char siew bao face and now she’s full of 4-year-old radness. Putting together her own outfits (often better than I can), making wisecracks, coming up with harebrained ideas – it’s like she’s got a whole psychedelic mind of her own!

You know what? It’s amazing to have boys (and by golly, I love my boys to bits) but it’s a whole other thing to have a girl.

Even way back before I had kids, I’ve always wanted a girl. And you know how it’s like when you want something really, really badly and finally you get it and you realize that holy smokes, it’s even better than you imagined it to be (which didn’t seem possible because it had maxed out the awesomeness scale in your head but then you’re like *mind blown* and you get a brand new super scale).

It was that way when I had her.

As I inhaled her chubby cheeks, a reel of Gilmore Girls mother-daughter moments started playing in my head and I knew she was everything I ever wanted. We would have girly tea parties together, shop for pretty dresses together, stand in line for Minnie Mouse autographs together, get matchy-matchy mani-pedis together. And one day, we would sit down in a hip cafe, have coffee and talk about cute boys like a couple of giggly teenagers while the boys went out into the woods catch gross insects or build campfires or do whatever it is boys do that involve dirt and muscles.

In short, I guess what I mean to say is that I’m positively in love with my little girl.

Sometimes I’m hanging out with her and I just want to pinch myself because I feel like I’m right smack in the middle of everything I could ever hope for. That these little moments are the ones I’ll spend the rest of my life remembering. And I’d force myself to stop and take it all in – the way she laughed, the way she tucked that stray strand of hair behind her ear only to have it fall right back out again, the way her eyes twinkled when we talked about which princess has the nicest tiara (Ariel, obviously). I didn’t think I’d ever want to be involved in a conversation discussing the merits of twirly things on tiaras but there I was, enjoying every moment of it.

Happy birthday, my sweet, sweet princess. 4 looks stunning on you.

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  • Reply Abby July 16, 2013 at 10:23 am

    Happy birthday Kirsten! What a girly princess you have. I have no doubt when she is a teen the two of you will become the best of friends, and maybe the strangers on the streets will mistaken you to be sisters.
    Abby´s last post ..Kah Yen’s turtle

    • Reply Daphne July 17, 2013 at 1:06 am

      I hope so!! One day we’ll be bffs but for now, I’ll just have to do my mom thing first. :)

  • Reply Regina July 16, 2013 at 2:20 pm

    Happy birthday Kirsten! 4 certainly looks good on you :)

  • Reply Susan July 16, 2013 at 3:11 pm

    Happy birthday Kristen! Sophie is turning four soon and I love her at this age. I sure hope she don’t grow up so fast.
    Susan´s last post ..Mum’s best tip for removing stains – Vanish!

    • Reply Daphne July 17, 2013 at 1:08 am

      It’s too fast right??!! Every time I look at her now, I think “WHERE HAS MY BABY GONE???”

  • Reply Corsage @ A Dollop Of Me July 16, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    Happy 4th Kirsten! May you always bring joy to your mummy!

  • Reply Summer July 17, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Haha I totally get it when you described about the awesomeness scale and brand new super scale. =) I have two girls and while I admit I might have hoped for a boy during my second pregnancy, when I gave birth and saw my perfect princess smiling at me and a doting sister sitting beside her, I know this is everything I’ve ever wanted. My elder girl loves princesses and tiaras but she also loves catching ants and worms too! =) Anyway, happy birthday dear Kirsten, you are a lovely young lady already! =p
    Summer´s last post ..Little Day, Big Smiles – Drypers Little Day Out 2013

  • Reply Mummybean July 17, 2013 at 5:15 pm

    Actually I can’t believe she’s only 4! She always sounds so mature in your posts. Happy 4, dear Kirsten!

  • Reply Qiu Xian July 17, 2013 at 5:19 pm

    Happy Birthday Kirsten! I feel like I know her too lol… She really looks alot like you.
    Qiu Xian´s last post ..3 Scratchers

  • Reply Adeline July 18, 2013 at 12:15 am

    Blessed 4th birthday, princess! May you always be mummy’s little darling. Drats. Now I really want a baby girl too…

  • Reply Ellen July 18, 2013 at 2:07 pm

    Gah, you make me want a third baby! I have two boys, perfect as ever, but I always wanted a girl for those Gilmore Girl moments too! Except I’m not sure enough to possibly have a third boy, whom I’m sure I’d love, but pretty sure that would drive me crazy.

  • Reply Andrea July 21, 2013 at 1:11 am

    Happy Birthday Kristen!!!!!!! Loving the emerging little girly girly kristen :) amazing dress sense btw

  • Reply Sue July 23, 2013 at 5:16 am

    Happy Birthday Kristen! I love reading about the cute things and the loving thoughts about your daughter. Many times I remind myself I should think of more loving thoughts about my child when I’m upset with her. Its so easy to pick on the negative things, I sometimes forget that I can be more loving and kind to her. I wish to be a mother like you who can think of so many things that you love about your child.

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