to Kirsten with love

Happy birthday, Princess.

To my Special Angel Princess,

Happy Birthday! Considering that this is only the second time you’re having a birthday, you rock it like a pro. You soak up all the attention and beam from ear to ear every time we sing you the Birthday Song – I’ve lost count after 35 times.

It feels a little weird that you’re just only turning 2 because it seems like you’ve been 2 for the longest time. It doesn’t bother you that you’re way shorter than everyone your age and the doctor says your height is only in the 10th percentile for 2-year-olds. But that’s cool because inside that tiny body is a big girl.

Your vocabulary is astounding and thanks to your grammar police of a brother, you’re pretty sharp in that department too. I’d love to take credit for that but sometimes, I don’t even know how you pick up words like consolidate and devastating. My money is on Disney Junior but then again, you listen to our conversations and surprise us by asking very insightful questions.

This time last year, I was so sure you were going to be the sweet, demure type. You used to sit quietly and observe all the action around you but in the past 12 months, you’ve somehow managed to find a way to be part of the action. You instigate your brother to climb the grilles and throw all the rice on the floor. And then you make him giggle at how hilarious it is.

When we’re out shopping, you couldn’t care less that we’re not behind you. We’ve tried hiding behind pillars while following you at a distance and you’ve never once turned back to look for us. One time at Ikea, you realized that we were nowhere to be found and you continued sauntering around holding your doggie plushie without a care in the world. Even though you couldn’t see me, I was following close enough to hear you tell your dog “See, we got no more mommy and daddy already, they’re lost. It’s ok, I bring you go kai kai.” In contrast, your brother watches us like a hawk to make sure we’re always within sight so he doesn’t get lost.

I suppose it’s a good thing that you’d be able to survive even if you got lost, but please don’t. Mommy needs you more than you know.

I love everything about you (yes, even the intentional shrieking you’ve perfected just to get your way), but the one thing I love most is how you immediately rush to the rescue every time you see someone hurting. You want to go hug the hobo sleeping at the void deck because he’s sick and you offer your last french fries to the troubadour along the sidewalk. Ok, so I exploit it once in a while to get extra hugs and kisses but that’s pretty much fair play for being your mother.

Have a smashing year ahead, baby girl. And always remember that Daddy and Mommy loves you an awful lot.

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  • Reply Irene July 14, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    Happy Birthday, cuteness!!!
    Is she getting a princess cake?
    Please take pictures of the party and the candle blowing!


    • Reply Daphne July 18, 2011 at 10:29 am

      Thanks Irene! Haha, just a regular cake this time. We had a small celebration at home after her combined party with Tru earlier in the month.

  • Reply Shiqin July 14, 2011 at 12:44 pm

    Happy birthday, Kirsten! Stay cute and awesome all the time and hopefully we’ll get to meet someday so I can give those cheeks a squeeze because they’re obviously screamin’ for it!


  • Reply pc July 14, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    happy birthday, Kristen. you are amazingly cute.

    and mummy written a very nice notes to you. i’m touched.

  • Reply Lynne July 14, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    Happy birthday Kristen.

    Enjoy your special day princess :)

  • Reply Emily July 14, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Happy Birthday Princess Kirsten. Mommy should get you a Hello Kitty cake this year! :)

  • Reply Tin July 14, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    She is sure cool and steady and a cute sweetie pie…
    Happy Birthday Kirsten!

  • Reply Jus July 14, 2011 at 8:08 pm

    Happy Birthday Kirsten! Please ask mummy to give you a hug from me! :) (PS: Daph, we are in the same boat. J is like on the 3rd percentile for height!)

  • Reply Susan July 14, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    Yes I agree with Emily, how about a Hello Kitty cake? I didn’t know that Kirsten is just a month older than Sophie.

    Happy 2nd Birthday Kirsten :)

  • Reply Candice July 14, 2011 at 11:03 pm

    Happy blessed birthday, Kirsten!

  • Reply The ET Family July 14, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    Kirsten share the same birthday as my son, Ethan! 2years old too. Happy birthday sweetie pie!

  • Reply Jennifer July 15, 2011 at 4:43 am

    Happy Birthday Kirsten! You’ll appreciate the super sweet letter your mommy wrote to you when you are older = )

  • Reply Amy @ The Q Family July 15, 2011 at 9:10 am

    What a beautiful post for a special birthday girl! Happy Birthday Princess.

  • Reply Linette July 15, 2011 at 9:25 am

    Happy birthday, you sweet little cute girl! I am immensely impressed by your vocabulary and how independent you are, even after Mummy and Daddy were lost! You rock, lil girl! :)

  • Reply lilsnooze July 15, 2011 at 10:21 am

    Happy birthday!!

  • Reply rachel July 15, 2011 at 12:57 pm

    happy birthday sweetie!!

    2 is special age. you get away with things becos of a highly documented stage of life – terrible twos. so go ahead & have a blast (at your dad, mum & bro) all year round!

  • Reply San July 15, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Happy, happy birthday to the little sweetie! :)

  • Reply Kelly July 15, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Awww! TWO already?? Happy birthday to a beautiful little princess! May you get plenty of lollies and hello kittys! You’re very lucky to have your Mommy n Daddy! Just turn around sometimes to make sure you don’t lose them for real ok???

    Love, Aunty Kelly & Kayden

  • Reply Ruth July 16, 2011 at 1:11 am

    Happy birthday Kirsten!!! You not only look so much like your mommy, you’ve inherited her gift with words as well! (btw, Kenan’s like Kirsten – when we’re out shopping, he is not worried when we ‘disappeared’, he’ll continue walking along and be captivated by things around him :P)

  • Reply Jaq July 17, 2011 at 12:43 am

    Happi birthday Kirsten ! time flies ! Another year.

  • Reply Daphne July 18, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Thanks for all the wishes! :)

    Baby girl would love to give each of you a BIG HUG and a kiss but we’ll just have to do an imaginary Internet one for now.

  • Reply Fang July 18, 2011 at 11:24 am

    My favourite girl (after my own…) Happie Happie Birthday sweetie!

  • Reply Yvonne July 18, 2011 at 11:21 pm

    wow! I love your letter to Kirsten, Daphne! You can probably consolidate these letters & print it into a book for ur kiddos. So heartwarming. Allysa is pretty similar on the compassion & gung-ho bit. Maybe it’s the Cancerian’s personality? :) & Kirsten is way too cute with those chubbiness. She is definitely growing to be a very eloquent girl.

    Anyway, a Happy Belated Bday to Darling Kirsten.

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