
Otterly adorable



This is exactly how baby Theo sleeps. I saw a video of this baby otter sleeping on its mommy and it is exactly my baby every single day. I never really understood the appeal of this particular sleeping posture but after seeing the video, it is all clear to me now.

Unfortunately, with Theo and baby Hayley both getting bigger, this is becoming quite impossible. I’ve been trying to find new ways for this baby to sleep but he  gets irrationally upset when he’s not snuggled up on top of me.

Yesterday, I told him this cannot go on anymore because there is baby Hayley is in mommy’s tummy and I can only handle one baby on top of me at any one time. There were a lot of tears but finally, he decided that the next best way to fall asleep was with his own baby Hayley. :)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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