
Happy birthday, Theo!

Birthday season continues with Theo turning 2 last Saturday.

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Since it falls nicely on the mid point between all the other kids’ birthdays, we had a little combined party for all the kids and also to celebrate baby Hayley’s first month (economies of scale!!). When there are 5 kids, ain’t nobody got time to attend 5 different parties, and more importantly, ain’t nobody got time to plan 5 different parties.

The important thing is that Baby Theo was able to partake of much cake + other delicious snacks during this party, and therefore it was a very, very good day.

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2-year-old Theo is ridiculously adorable. He likes to wear hats and decorate his cheeks with stickers while engaging in various activities.

Such as thinking.

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And drawing.

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Headgear + stickers, that’s all it takes to make him smile.

Sometimes, he likes to balance things on his head, looking like it’s nbd.

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He’s like a real life toy I never knew I needed all my life.

This boy is such a delight to have. For starters, he talks way too much for a baby who just turned 2 – he tells me about sunshine and strawberries and snails – and right now, his favourite words are “I WANT BREAD/CAKE/CHICKEN/GRAPES!!”, followed by  “MOMMY LOOK AT ME, ARE YOU LISTENING???” while squishing my face with both hands.

2-years-old and already a foodie. All my other kids are just ok with food, they’ll eat because they need to, whether it’s a michelin-starred mee pok that we queued an hour for or some nonsense food court ban mian. But Theo, he’ll point to the specific morsel of deliciousness and tell me exactly what he wants to have in his mouth. “I want this part, and this part, and this part…

And the true mark of a foodie is in the way they enjoy their food. Just look at this baby attack his sandwich. When it comes to food, baby Theo knows what’s what.

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He knows how to make a girl feel real special too.

One time, he held my hand and told me “I like mommy to be happy.” I said, “I am. Mommy’s so happy because you make me happy” and he lit up with the biggest smile.

Since then, he’ll walk up to me with an exaggerated grin and announce “I’m happy, momma! You make me happy!!

Full on heart eyes emoji, this one.


*bonus material* here’s baby Theo talking about his favourite topic. :)

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1 Comment

  • Reply Stephanie July 27, 2016 at 6:19 pm

    He is so articulate!! I’ve been reading your blog and going gaga over your babies but Theo is extra heart meltingly cute! I look forward to more videos in future :D

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