

Yesterday, Tru asked, “Mom, can you take pictures of baby Theo and write some funny words so I can read it?”

“You mean on the blog?”

“Yeah, on the blog. Just a lot of words all the time is like, you know, boring,” he said.

“Hey, you did not just call me boring, young man. But sure, that’s a great suggestion.”

//Ok Tru, this one’s for you. Thanks for being my biggest (and most brutally honest) fan.


Baby Theo loves his balls. He’s very possessive about his balls. Ain’t nobody can touch his balls because they’re his and no, permission not granted.

Among all his favourite balls, this one is his most favourite.

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He goes everywhere with this ball. One hand to crawl, the other hand to clutch his precious ball.

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Sadly for baby Theo, he has 3 older siblings who know of his ball obsession and also think it’s hilarious to make his ball(s) suddenly disappear when he’s not looking.

Clearly, warnings must be issued.

“Listen up, y’all! This is my ball.  No disappearing allowed.”

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“Seriously guys, I mean it. Look at my serious face. This is exactly how serious I am.”

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“I’m keeping my eye on you, all of you.”

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I have a bad feeling about this. I’d better hold it tighter close to my chest to be safe.

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What?? Did somebody say squirrel? WHERE???

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“Mommmmmm, go yell at kor kors and jie jie. Look, they did it again, they tricked me and took my ball.” :(

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Me: Guys, nobody trick baby Theo and nobody take his ball, understand?

Tru + Kirsten + Finn: Okay…

Theo: Hahahahahahahahahaha. Look who’s getting the last laugh.

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1 Comment

  • Reply JESS August 24, 2015 at 5:30 pm

    im not sure if its me being grown up or something. i read a double meaning to this story u know u know u know ;) ;)

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