
Babies are more fun than toys

These two have been instructing me to do a post on all the stuff baby Theo says.

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Why? Baby Theo is ridiculously advanced for a two-year-old. He’s like a super juiced-up interactive toy and the big kids love making him say things and then laughing at all his responses.

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I’m like “I have very deep, very important things to write here” but they didn’t believe me. Also, they’re all “It’s so cute, you need to write this down so you can remember it.

Nice move, kids. This one’s for you guys.

This is what it comes to when your kids are reading your blog – you have to take instruction from a 7 and 8 year old.


Theo: Kor kor Truett, can you help me pick up my blanket?

Tru: You should just do it yourself, it’s right next to you on the floor.

Theo: *grunts and pretends to reach for it, but zero effort* Ooooff, I cannot.

Tru: What?? It’s like you’re not even trying.

Theo: It’s too difficult, can you help me please?

Tru: Argh, ok fine.

Theo: Aww, you are my best friend.

Tru: If kor kor don’t pick up for you, am I still your best friend?

Theo: Ummmmm NOPE!

Tru: Oei, so terrible, this baby.


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Theo: Baby Hayley, don’t cry cry, don’t be sad.

Hayley: Waaaaaaaa…bwahhhhhhh

Theo: *holds her cheeks* Stop, stop, stop!!! Shhhh shhhhhhhhhhh… PLEASE STOP!

Hayley: *hyperventilating scream*


Kirsten: This is not how babies work. You can’t squash her face and shout at her, you need to be sweet and gentle to the baby.

Theo: *in a falsetto* It’s ok baby Hayley, don’t cry cry.


Me: Hey Theo, can mommy have some of that pandan cake?

Theo: No thank you, I’m good.

Me: What you’re good? I’m not good, I need some cake too. Just a small piece?

Theo: It’s ok, no need, thanks.

Me: What’s going on here? Is this some high level negotiation technique?

Tru + Kirsten: Hahahahahahahha


Theo: *crying* I need my elephant blanket, please mom, please please.

Me: Sorry baby, mommy needs to wash it because it’s all gross now, you were dragging it around in the toilet.

Theo: *still crying* But I need it…baby Theo got no blanket I will cry.

Me: I can see that, but we’ll have to use this other soft soft blanket tonight ok. You’ll get it back tomorrow.

Theo: Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Me: It’s ok baby.


Me: Wait, did you say hug me or don’t hug me, I wasn’t sure.


Me: Why yes of course I’ll hug you!! Mommy will hug you to sleep ok?

Theo: *nods and sobs dramatically into my arms*

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  • Reply Baby speak | Mothering the S sisters December 9, 2016 at 8:37 am

    […] by Daphne (of Mother Inc)‘s post on baby Theo’s hilarious conversations, I thought I’ll post my very own […]

  • Reply Julie December 31, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    Hi Daphne, yes, I agree with you. Spending time with the children’s is the best time. Now in the gadget world toys are also hi-tech. they makes our kids addicted. So please avoid them and buy some fun toys for their smile & happiness. Thanks!

  • Reply Rashedul Momine January 4, 2020 at 2:25 pm

    Hello Daphne,
    I have one kids. I love him so much. Everyday when i go to home he demands to do painting on my PC. And i spent time with him. After a while I see that he is taking pictures of his father and his mother by train, plane, his name, and interestingly. It gave me great joy And that was a very interesting thing. My son loves me very much. Every parent loves his child. By giving them time like this, they will learn a lot to play. I love working with kids products so I created this site. I hope you like it and would love to write about my toy site https://kiddiesproduct.com/good-baby-toys/ at a time.
    Rashedul Momine´s last post ..Best baby learning toys 2020 & Buyers Guide Line [Fully Updated]

  • Reply Saimon July 15, 2024 at 5:41 am

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  • Reply babyeszone August 13, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    Theo is quite the character, turning everyday interactions into comedic exchanges with his siblings. His blend of dramatic flair and clever responses keeps everyone entertained, even if it means his negotiation tactics are becoming a family highlight. He’s got a knack for bringing humor and a bit of chaos to any situation! and I love all baby
    babyeszone´s last post ..Dr Brown Bottles for Newborn: Ultimate Feeding Guide

  • Reply rani September 23, 2024 at 4:24 am


  • Reply Shariful February 12, 2025 at 3:21 pm

    Hello Daphne,
    I have one kids. I love him so much. Everyday when i go to home he demands to do painting on my PC. And i spent time with him. After a while I see that he is taking pictures of his father and his mother by train, plane, his name, and interestingly. It gave me great joy And that was a very interesting thing. My son loves me very much. Every parent loves his child. By giving them time like this, they will learn a lot to play. I love working with kids products so I created this site. I hope you like it and would love to write about my toy site

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