the husband

Happy birthday to my favourite guy

It was my favourite husband’s birthday last Friday, which gave me the perfect excuse to plan a day out for some grub. I was starting to get all cobwebby from being cooped up at home with the baby, so birthday lunch with the husband (and the baby!) was a welcome change.

I know, right? Almost like as if it was my birthday. But the best husbands are nice like that – they share their birthdays – and I’ve got me one of the very best ones.

I had planned for a nice, quiet lunch where we sat next to other adults and used shiny cutlery to eat food that came in various courses while the baby slept but what was I thinking? It was more of a let’s-do-this-without-choking lunch where we took turns to rock the baby while the other did some frenzied-food-shovelling.

That’s right folks, 7 years and 4 kids in, this is what a birthday looks like. We had lunch, squeezed in some conversation and then went home to hang out with the other 3 kids.

I felt bad that it wasn’t more fancy. No surprise getaway or romantic staycation or even a night out about town without the kids. I told him we’d do a proper celebration once things got a little easier and he was all “what I really wanted for my birthday was for you to have a break.”

How’s that for the Sweetest Birthday Wish Ever? I really like this guy.

That night, after all the kids had gone to bed, he said “Don’t worry babe, in a couple of years, the kids will be bigger and life’s going to be so much fun. We’ve got a whole lifetime of awesome birthdays ahead of us.”


Happy birthday, baby!


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1 Comment

  • Reply Summer September 15, 2014 at 4:39 pm

    Hey Daphne! Hope you are coping well with 4 in the house! =) Congrats on Theo, he’s such a charming baby boy! You know, I totally think like Kelvin too and the hubby and I don’t really have any we-time for now because we foresee that we will have ample time for movie dates, candlelight dinners and romantic getaways when the kids are slightly older. When they don’t need us that much anymore. So, for now, frenzied mealtimes, overcrowded beds and incessant chatter and whines are things that I kind of dread yet know that I will one day look back and miss. =) Take good care and happy birthday to your man!
    Summer´s last post ..For a lifetime of memories {Review of Kids Pictures}

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