the breast things in life are free

Park and Ride

When Truett woke up on Saturday morning, the first question he asked was “What day is it today?”

“It’s Saturday,” I said without opening my eyes. “And on Saturdays Mommy gets to sleep in ok.”

“SATURDAY?? YAY YAYYY YAYYYYYYY there’s no school today let’s go to the park!” he yelled as he jumped around the room, making a royal din.

By this time, Kirsten had woken up and was joining in the celebrations.

“No park…tired…need sleep…” I said as I pulled the pillow over my head.

“Ok, I will kiss you then you need to wake up.”

Oh, they were good and they knew this story was ending with us going to the park one way or another.

The kids have different favorite activities at the park. Tru prefers to zip around on his Strider, showing off his moves on the slopes. When I asked for a photo, he insisted on taking one beside his precious bike.

In a couple of years, he’ll be doing stunts on his BMX (do people still ride BMX bikes these days?). How did my baby get so big so fast?

Kirsten has 2 favorite activities. The first is making daddy swipe the sand from between her toes. Every few steps, she stops and yells “Daddy there’s sand in my toes. You need to clean for me.”

She knows to ask for daddy because I’m all “it’s fine, just keep walking, we’ll clean it when we’re done ok.” While daddy is all “ok sit down, daddy will help you.”

Her other favorite thing? The swings. Which daddy has to push, obviously.

Or sometimes we get Tru to do it because it’s one of those things big brothers have to learn how to do. Once he pushed her right off the swing and she got really mad but he’s getting really good now.

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  • Reply Madeline February 13, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    Daddies have an extraordinary patience for their little girls’ nonsense.. I would have reacted the same way you did hah
    Madeline´s last post ..Online Shopping Frenzy at Foxysales

    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:46 pm

      I sometimes cave when she turns on the charm but after one or twice, I’m done. I can’t be swiping sand every couple of steps..

  • Reply Elaine February 13, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    Hmm.. you got me wondering how does Kirsten do “really mad” because I’ve only seen her all smiles on this blog.
    Elaine´s last post ..Oriental Moon, duality of life and too much ipad

    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:47 pm

      Oh, she’s a little chili padi, this one. She wags her finger at her brother and tells him off in a very big sister sort of way. “You cannot make me fall down! Very naughty, kor kor!!”

  • Reply jen February 13, 2012 at 4:08 pm

    daughters are really lucky! they are the princesses of the family! haha!
    but sometimes it’s irritating especially when they take advantage of it.. :)
    jen´s last post ..Moodboard: Birthday

    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:48 pm

      Haha true. Especially if they have daddy and a big brother to give in to them all the time. And they are very good at milking it.

  • Reply SengkangBabies February 13, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    I totally understand where Kelvin is coming from wahaha, I am another Daddy who falls prey to his little girl’s charm :(
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    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:48 pm

      Hahaha I guess that’s why they call them daddy’s girl.

  • Reply San February 13, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    I dunno about BMXes, but Tru does look dapper sitting by his bike!
    San´s last post ..March holidays fun – plus a giveaway!

    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:50 pm

      Ya, he some more knows how to pose like a big boy. Sighh, they’re growing up way too fast. Which is why I’m having another one to baby.. :)

  • Reply Ling February 13, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    Just curious- what camera do you use?

    • Reply Daphne February 13, 2012 at 9:51 pm

      Most of the time I shoot with a Canon 500d with a 50mm 1.4 prime lens. And do basic edits with Lightroom

  • Reply Sherlyn February 13, 2012 at 11:03 pm

    Hi Daphne, may I know where I can find the baby swing? Would love to bring my kid there.

    • Reply Daphne February 14, 2012 at 10:12 am

      It’s at Pasir Ris Park, where the huge playground and the spider web climbing thing is. Not sure about the exact address but it’s near Elias Mall.

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips February 14, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    Kirsten is such a gu niang! XD But I think I’m also like that. The gu niang sort.
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  • Reply Yvonne February 15, 2012 at 2:09 pm

    Oh, We love pasir ris park too. So many activities for the kids but we usually visit on a Sunday morning. =)
    Yvonne´s last post ..When Allysa Goes To School

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