The good thing about being a mom is that I get to dish out useless information like an expert to other non-moms or moms-to-be.
Which makes me feel intellectually superior for once.
10. Nursery rhymes are best sung a hundred times. Again! Again!
9. Everything else is more fun than my toys. i.e. remote controls, laptops, phones, keys.
8. It’s fun to bang stuff that are not my toys. And eat them.
7. No means yes. Yes also means yes.
6. Whining gets me what I want.
5. If whining doesn’t work, just flash my killer smile.
4. I need to be carried. All the time.
3. The best time to cry is at 3 in the morning.
2. I have the urge to defecate when my diaper is off.
1. Sleep is for the weak.

The little guy sure knows how to work the camera