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kids inc

Must Love Dogs

For some strange reason, Tru seems to LOVE dogs. And I never quite understood why. Every time he sees a dog, big or small, he’ll want to go pat and hug them. Which is translated into: he’ll yank their fur and smack them on the nose, but I’m pretty sure it’s his way of showing affection. (I should know, I’ve got battle scars to show for it)

Except that my mom’s got this 6-year-old West Highland Terrier, Mickey, who is absolutely terrified of thunderstorms and babies. So I’ll watch this classic case of unrequited love replay itself over and over again.

Scene 1:

Enters Mickey.

Tru grins and starts to crawl towards him. “Watachar katatechj”

(Muahaha! Fur-grabbing time)

Mickey growls and walks away, muttering “Grrrr, grrrrr, grrrrr”


Tru follows closely behind.


It’s tragic, I know. Until one dark and stormy afternoon, love suddenly blossoms.

*Cue cheesy music*

Apparently, between the two evils, the storm is way more terrifying, so Mickey turns to Tru for comfort. As the lightning cracked outside the window, his life flashed before his eyes and he realized that the love of his life was right there all along.

*More cheesy music*

Like every other love story, it ends with Tru and Mickey snuggling in bed and falling asleep. And they live happily every after.


The End


Mother of all storms

The weather was totally barmy today. I haven’t seen a thunderstorm like that in ages, and I think it’s Tru’s first real thunderstorm. You know, the kind that howls like a ghoul on crack outside your window and threatens to blow down your house.

Thing is, I used to like thunderstorms. There’s something very comforting about being snuggled up warm and toasty during a storm. Usually on a day like this, I’d be curled up in bed with a cuppa hot chocolate, an indulgent novel and the soothing vocals of Diana Krall in the background. But I forget that I’m now a mother, which means I’m curled up in bed with a screaming kid who refuses to sleep. He’s slept through downpours before, so I didn’t think he’d be daunted. But today was different.

No matter what I did, he just refused to lie down in his cot alone. I tried lullabies, bedtime stories, nursery rhymes and every other distraction tactic I could think of to calm him down and get him to sleep, but without avail. And the blasted thunder would crack every three minutes, which would get him worked up into a frenzy again.

Then I had a stroke of genius. If you can’t beat them, join them. I decided to go rock, and brought out good old U2. Just like that, he was out cold.

So today, I was curled up in bed with my baby boy, a cuppa coffee (to soothe my nerves) and U2. Which really isn’t so bad after all.