Words fail to describe how awesome my coiffure is
I have no idea how it happened, but in the past week, my boy has morphed into a non-stop talking machine. Ok, the only recognizable word so far is mama (which he calls with such emotion), and the rest of it is like a bunch of gibberish. But I’m actually convinced it’s actually a language. with actual syllables and words that mean something.
Listening to babies talk, you’d be tempted to just dismiss it as nonsense, or random sounds that they make for fun. But I’ve been observing him for days now, and there’s so much feeling going into his conversations that I’m pretty sure he’s trying to say something. So I’ve been trying to have extended conversations with him, trying to decipher the code.
Tru: Mama, dapaeljfes kenify juaper sakejr.
Me: Not right now, honey. You’ve got to finish your porridge first.
Tru: Dadyear tatare feislr klake.
Me: But we’re going to the library tomorrow. Today we’ll do something else ok, maybe we can go the park for a walk later.
Tru: Fasfer taerje glear leraes! Jaelr eeleares arj! issejiear sakme uwahrae!
Me: I thought you liked going to the park. We can play with all the kids and chill out…
Me: Ok, ok, calm down. We’ll go to the library today instead. Sheesh!
And this goes on for quite a while, as his voice gets louder and increasingly worked up. He’s even got accompanying hand gestures to emphasize his points from time to time. And he’ll look at you with this intense gaze, as if he’s pouring out his heart to you in that one conversation. It totally cracks me up.
I’ve also been trying to teach him real English words, but he probably thinks it’s too lame to learn 1 word at a time and he prefers going on his soliloquies.
I suspect he’s trying to teach me his language instead, cos that’s so much cooler than speaking English.