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super sunday giveaway

2 Aug Super Sunday Giveway

Still Superdad here – it’s a Super Sunday Giveaway – geddit? I’ll be doing the giveaways so as to create more positive attributed feelings towards malekind as a whole and fathers in particular.

I promised you this would be good.

In Singapore, the most popular way to date is perhaps going to the movies, followed closely by watching pirated DVDs of the same movies in mind (not that I condone it, tsk tsk).  Between the two of us,  we kinda have a special place for Serendipity as our first ever date movie.


It was a really sweet movie and Kate Beckinsale looked absolutely stunning. Notice I make no mention of John Cusack. More importantly, overwhelmed by the sheer romantic vibe emitting from the screen throughout the show, the Wife (or just the Girl in the Yellow Tee back then) was vulnerable and caught unawares when I decided to hold her hand. Of course I was pretty nervous and my palms were sweaty and it kind of slid off after that but it was the first move and not a bad one. Unfortunately once we got together the first show we watched as a couple was actually Jet Lee’s the One – it was horrendous but i guess memorable in its own way nonetheless and the title makes it easier to remember in the “know your spouse” sections of those crap-cheesy family funathons thingee.

But enough about our sex life. So…

What is your favourite date movie of all time?

Because if you share that with us by leaving a comment with your name (a nick would do), your email address (this has to be real so we can contact you) and of course, your favourite date movie of all time (details would be great but not necessary) you’ll stand to win a…*drumroll*

$28 Golden Village Movie Card!

Red Giftcard

Apologies to all non-Singapore readers, you probably wouldn’t want this and I definitely do not want to bear the cost of shipping this to you as that would far exceed the value of this card and ultimately you’ll like,  flip this into the trash mumbling to yourself  “Hmmph, i didn’t know Singaporeans were that third-world, they actually have PHONE CARDS as a giveaway. And I don’t care if they’re golden or not but VILLAGES?  I should probably adopt a child from the bronze range.” But you can still leave a comment  about your favourite date movies because third-world as we may be we do have movie screens here, except that they are no bigger than 14 inches and we have to gather in groups of twenty or so in our respective clans to catch another rerun of The Shining when the transceiver/scrambler picks it up on a clear day.

Anyhow, the giveaway runs for a week and closes on Sunday 9 August (Good Lord, that’s Singapore’s National Day! All heil the Emperor Prime Minister!) @ 2359 hours sharp. We’ll arbitrarily pick a winner based on completely random and undisclosed criteria (deal with it) and announce it on our 10 August post. Initially I wanted to make the whole thing a ‘best comment’ thingee but the  Wife was like let’s not discriminate against those who may not be particularly adept at writing and I’m all like “now that’s a discriminatory remark toward your readers who I’m sure are all PMEBs and would have written NYT best selling books in their spare time if they had any.”

Also, we’re not sure if we’re able to keep giving stuff away every Sunday unless you guys want stuff like spare Benedictine DOM which I’m told is as high in alcoholic content as a Jack Daniel’s (hmm, that explains that night on 4 May).  If you’re an advertiser out there and not Benedictine DOM, you are welcome to send us an email here.

In the odd chance that you may have forgotten what this giveaway was about – comments please to the question –

What is your favourite date movie of all time?

P.S As this is our first giveaway ever if the contest seems glaringly illogical or flawed or racist please drop us an email discretely at the contact me form.

P.P.S We’re STILL going to arbitrarily pick the winner so if you have an issue with that DO NOT click the “Contact Me” form nor leave a comment, rather,  email us at hatemail@motherinc.org because that’s where hatemails go to die.

and the first winner goes to..

“Seven. Not a typical romance flick but it was my first date movie so it will always have some significance and brings back memories.”

ok, i’m not sure, but i think its the movie with the scene below and also Gwyneth Paltrow’s head in a box.


If a guy can bring you on Seven for a first date (I know for a fact the Wife walked out on this one) and you end up marrying him and having his children – hey, you deserve the GV movie card for more date movies in the vein of Drag Me to Hell and Exorcist.

Congratulations to lilsnooze on winning the first Super Sunday Giveaway!