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sleeping women’s drinking milk boobs

stuff best described as not safe for parents

This is *NOT* a porn site

Just thought I’d make that clear, seeing that we live in an age where free porn is ubiquitous. From time to time, I do my blog analysis and laugh my ass off at the search engine terms used to locate this blog.

Fellas, it’s MOTHER INC, not MILF INC, so you’re probably going to be disappointed.

Seriously, I couldn’t even make this stuff up.

1. www.mother sex milk.com (First of all, a website does not have spaces in between. Unless you mean mother’s ex milk, which still doesn’t make any sense.)

2. old woman sqirting milk from boobs (Really? This turns you on? And sqirting?)

3. hot hunky male postman (Post*men* by definition are in fact male.)

4. sleeping women’s drinking milk boobs (What does this even mean?)

5. fire hose boobs (I like!)

6. chinese milky boobs milked (Friggin’ racist.)

7. dropping milk boobs of under 17 (What??? English fail.)

8. milk drinking boobs nipple from a boy (I think you mean “boy drinking milk from a boob’s nipple”)

9. shinier boobs pregnancy (Calling R2D2. Red alert, red alert!)

10. hot mother want sex too (Amen, sista!)

Great, I just realized that this is going to up my porn rating by a notch. Might as well go all the way.