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Funny or So I think, Videos I dig

Time for bed, sleepyhead

I’m not usually into youtube videos, but this one I just couldn’t resist.


Seriously, it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I mean, props to the parents for getting it down on tape. They probably waited for hours with the video cam on standby. Sure, the poor kid’s disproportionately-capacious noggin helps to propel it in all directions, but for this masterpiece to take place, all the stars have to align.

But the real stroke of genius has to be the brother/sister’s (see, androgynous is all the rage) complete nonchalance. Then again, if it was my kid, I’d have given him a good and proper smack to the head, before making a quick getaway to the bathroom to roll on the floor laughing.

I’ve been trying to get Tru to reenact the scene for my own viewing pleasure. Which involves tiring him out past the point of exhaustion but I’ve got a fighter on my hands. If I don’t restrain him in a straightjacket and pin him down in his cot, he’d play all the time and never sleep.

And he obviously didn’t get that from me. As far as I’m concerned, sleep is a luxury. The more, the better. I haven’t had decent sleep for 10 months now, and sometimes, I just want to shoot him with a tranquilizer dart so I can catch my forty winks.

More than once, I’ve dozed off in the living room only to wake up with a start and find him systematically ingesting all the stuff in the house. I’m willing to wager that a goat would do less damage than him.

One day, I’m just gonna go all Clockwork Orange on him and make him watch the clip on loop till it sinks in.

Go to sleep… Go to sleep… Go to sleep…

lists you should paste on your fridge, pregnancy

What to Expect When You’re Expecting… Again

It’s different going through a first and second pregnancy. It’s all so new and exciting having a first child, and you meticulously follow all the instructions dished out by the baby manuals. Here’s what the books fail to tell you.

Maternity Clothes

1st Baby: You wear regular clothes for as long as possible. A baby bump is hot!

2nd Baby: Your maternity clothes are your regular clothes. Strangely, the baby bump didn’t come out together with the baby.


1st Baby: You eat nutritious meals that are chock full of goodness for baby’s healthy development.

2nd Baby: A granola bar is as nutritious as it gets.


1st Baby: You  sing and talk to your baby many times a day so they get used to Mom’s voice.

2nd Baby: Half the time, you forget they’re in there.


1st Baby: You sleep like a baby 13 hours a day. Babies needs their beauty sleep, don’t they?

2nd Baby: Sleep? Hah!


Mother of all storms

The weather was totally barmy today. I haven’t seen a thunderstorm like that in ages, and I think it’s Tru’s first real thunderstorm. You know, the kind that howls like a ghoul on crack outside your window and threatens to blow down your house.

Thing is, I used to like thunderstorms. There’s something very comforting about being snuggled up warm and toasty during a storm. Usually on a day like this, I’d be curled up in bed with a cuppa hot chocolate, an indulgent novel and the soothing vocals of Diana Krall in the background. But I forget that I’m now a mother, which means I’m curled up in bed with a screaming kid who refuses to sleep. He’s slept through downpours before, so I didn’t think he’d be daunted. But today was different.

No matter what I did, he just refused to lie down in his cot alone. I tried lullabies, bedtime stories, nursery rhymes and every other distraction tactic I could think of to calm him down and get him to sleep, but without avail. And the blasted thunder would crack every three minutes, which would get him worked up into a frenzy again.

Then I had a stroke of genius. If you can’t beat them, join them. I decided to go rock, and brought out good old U2. Just like that, he was out cold.

So today, I was curled up in bed with my baby boy, a cuppa coffee (to soothe my nerves) and U2. Which really isn’t so bad after all.