swimmingly well

Not so scary now

Lovely morning to start the week with. I hope you managed to get a bit of rest over the weekend and if not, there’s always the Lunar New Year break to look forward to this week.

5 days till the next long weekend, that ain’t so bad.

I spent my Sunday reading Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book by the pool while the husband brought the kids for a swim. In my books, that makes for a splendid Sunday afternoon. I first attempted to read the novel in November of 2008, 5 months after Truett was born. As big a Gaiman fan as I was, I couldn’t get through the first chapter because I got too scared.

When I got to the part where the man Jack was hunting for the baby in the graveyard, I completely panicked. I mean, there I was, 5 months in as a new mom, with my maternal instincts raging out of control and reading about a baby trying to escape from a big scary man with a sharp blade, the same man who had already finished off the rest of his family.

I closed the book in a hurry, stuffed it at the bottom of my book drawer and forced myself to think happy thoughts instead.

Not that it was very effective because that same night, I dreamt that an evil pizza delivery guy was trying to take Tru away from me and when I tried to scream for help, not a sound came out from my mouth no matter how hard I tried. It was the longest silent dream scream I had to make and I woke up feeling more terrified than I had ever been in my life. Till this day, I don’t order pizza. True story.

3 years later, I decided it was time to read the book. The kids were bigger and my maternal instincts were under control. More or less.

So I did and it was thoroughly enjoyable.

I had to do it in broad daylight surrounded by lots of people and I kept looking up every few minutes to check in on the kids even though I knew they were safe with the husband but the important thing is that I finished it. Maybe next week, I’ll do something even crazier and order pizza for dinner. Look fear in the eye and all that.

In other news, I haven’t done Hipstamatic Happiness in a while, so here’s one to kick off the new week.

Happy Monday!

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  • Reply DancingMommy January 16, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Lucky you, I miss the days I have two hands to read a book. One to prop the book up, the other to turn the pages. Tell me, this day will eventually return.

    p.s. I am loving the pic of Kirsten in the Hello Kitty bikini. My daughter (ahem, me rather) loves HK. Where did you get it?

    • Reply Daphne January 16, 2012 at 6:14 pm

      Haha yes the day will come. :)

      My sis-in-law got the bikini for her, it’s from H&M

  • Reply Susan January 16, 2012 at 10:24 pm

    The pirate inflatable boat looks like so much fun! Which reminds me that the weather is getting perfect for getting a tan and yes perhaps some exercise too :)
    Susan´s last post ..Kids talk

  • Reply Ai Sakura January 17, 2012 at 9:42 am

    hunting for a baby??? o.O”

    anyway, love the pirate ship, HK hooded towel and bikini too haha
    have a lovely prep to the CNY period :)
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Bub & Me: Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden

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