lists you should paste on your fridge, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Top 5 Useless Baby Stuff

Having kids is like a license to buy all sorts of useless baby stuff. I think its a condition that hits all new mothers, and they go on a rampage to amass the most frivolous baby items. If I were a business person, all I would sell are colorful baby-related stuff that serves no real purpose whatsoever. And I’d be RICH! Seriously, just add a cute baby picture to any product and mothers are guaranteed to go all googly-eyed over it.

Before I had babies, I used to think that I was a very rational buyer. I would do intensive research online and check the reviews and head down to the store to test the product like 5 times before buying something. But it all changed when I got pregnant with Tru. I was obsessed with the kids department in all the stores. It was like an addiction. I could spend hours poring over racks of baby clothes, mittens, booties, soft toys… you name it. Everything was all so tiny and cute, I was totally hooked.

If the husband didn’t confiscate all my credit cards, I would have ended up with a truckload of oh-so-cute but oh-so-useless baby stuff. Here’s a few examples so you know what to avoid when you’re shopping for your kids.

1. Zaky Infant Pillow

zaky infant pillow

zaky infant pillow

It’s a pair of brown adult-sized (by adult sized, I’m referring to a tiny giant) pillow hands complete with fingers, which you can put on your baby while he sleeps. And check out the tagline.

Zaky – It’s Like Leaving a Part of You with Your Baby

Now, how freaky is that? At first, I thought it was an interesting concept, but then again, unless your last name is Addams, you probably wouldn’t want your baby to wake up and find a pair of dismembered hands holding him. Think of all the hours of counseling you could avoid in the future if you just had the good sense to not riddle your kid with so many issues during his formative years.

2. Pee Pee Teepee


This is really good. I first came across this ingenious product while watching Brothers and Sisters, where Calista Flockhart’s character was raving about the benefits of the pee pee teepee. So this is how it works. You know how boys suddenly have the urge to pee the moment the diaper is off? I have lost count of the number of times I got hit by a projectile of pee during nappy changes. But with the PPTP, all you need to do is place the little soft cloth cone over the pee pee when the diaper is off, and what do you know? Crisis averted!

Pee Pee Teepee

Pee Pee Teepee

But there’s just one thing though. I think the makers of the PPTP underestimated the force that can be generated from a baby’s bladder. There’s been reports that when the baby starts to pee, it causes the PPTP to fly up and hit your face, followed by the stream of lovely, warm liquid.

3. Babykeeper



The babykeeper is a contraption used by mothers to inflict torture on the babies they HATE with a passion. It’s a pouch-like device with lots of hanging straps to put your baby in. You can then hang them safely from the wall or the ceiling while you go do your stuff. When I first came across this device, I was wondering could ever possess a parent to hang their child from the wall?

Then it suddenly struck me. It’s useful in so many ways. You can swing them like a pendulum just for kicks, tickle them senseless without having to pin down their arms and even use him to scare birds that fly into my kitchen. And all the while knowing that they are in safe hands. What could be better?

4. Tummy Tub

First of all, this looks like a pail I could buy from the store at the market for $2.99. You know the kind they use to put fish in. And some dude came up with the idea of putting a newborn inside , which makes it look like some bizarre Anne Geddes creation. It’s supposed to have many benefits like making the baby feel safe and secure, like he’s still inside the womb.

If you ask me, I’d say it’s a bunch of bollocks. Let’s just say that if I wanted to squeeze my kid into a tiny pail (which I don’t), I wouldn’t be paying $100 for it.

5. Bat and Wobble Penguin

Bat and Wobble Penguin

Bat and Wobble Penguin

Sorry, Uncle Toh, but this makes the list of top 5 useless baby stuff. I can understand how a bat and wobble anything may possibly be fun for a 3-year-old toddler with violent tendencies. But a baby does not possess the reflexes to avoid the malicious onslaught of an evil penguin and chances are, they will be hit in the face more times than they can count. My son hates it so much he will not come near it with a 10-foot barge pole.

These days, I use it as a paper weight to hold down stuff.

I’m sure there are plenty of other useless baby stuff you can think of. Here’s just a few to get you started.  Feel free to add on to the list!

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  • Reply Keith Wilcox June 18, 2009 at 7:14 am

    Hilarious!!! My favorite one is the Pee Pee TeePee. I have two boys and in more than one occasion each one of them managed to spray me while changing their diapers. It’s just going to happen no matter what you do.


  • Reply lxlb June 18, 2009 at 10:54 am

    the pillow looks good! they shd make in the shape of mommy’s boobies, so daddy can use as well.

    • Reply Daphne June 18, 2009 at 7:26 pm

      @lxlb, I got a name for it! Its called the “booby trap”.

  • Reply mimi June 18, 2009 at 11:04 am

    this entry wins

  • Reply Uncle Toh June 19, 2009 at 8:13 pm

    Uncle Toh says,” Laugh now, but Bat and Wobble Penguin is designed to train lil Tru up to be the Awesomest Kung Fu Fighter Ever. ”

    He’ll be the first evil genius with the agility of a… panther!

    It’s not a toy to make him laugh. Did you not wonder why the acronym for it is the BAW Penguin?”

    ermm.. like BAW-l ?


  • Reply Top 5 Essential Baby Items | MOTHER, INC. August 6, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    […] want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.Powered by WP Greet BoxFollowing up to my list of most useless baby stuff on the planet, I have decided to come up with the top 5 baby items I simply can’t do without. These handy […]

  • Reply Dennis Yu October 5, 2009 at 11:46 am

    The Pee Pee Teepee is hilarious! It’s bad enough that people think of these things– even worse that people buy these products. Great article– you made me laugh!

  • Reply Jane - Discounted Baby Clothes December 23, 2009 at 7:56 am

    The infant pillow looks scary. I think my baby would be scared to wake up in the middle of the night to hands on her head unattached to any body.

  • Reply travel high chairs February 11, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    Totally agree with Jane..pillow is too scary.

  • Reply Perfecting Motherhood June 12, 2010 at 4:19 am

    Haha, thank you so much for posting those items, I can’t believe they even exist! Many moms disagree with the list that I personally compiled, but after having 2 kids myself and having discussed the theme with other moms, I feel compelled to share the list. Too many first-time moms feel pressured to buy everything for their baby, even though a lot of it is useless.

    Here’s a list that I compiled in my post for you on what NOT to spend money on for your new arrival:
    Perfecting Motherhood´s last post ..Love hurts – why do our children cause us pain every day?

  • Reply Jett April 19, 2011 at 7:58 am

    lol wow what’s up with the first picture :P and lol the baby keeper makes it seem like it’s an item or something :). No but it’s cute I like it. Anyway take care :)_
    Jett´s last post ..Cool Names

  • Reply My Wok Life September 10, 2012 at 9:29 am

    Thanks for this post. I was, at first, hesitating which infant pillow to get for my coming new born. The expensive $80 Zaky or just normal organic beansprout pillow which costs only $19.90? Money isn’t the main concern here, but exactly which one is worth getting? Now that I have read your post, I know what I should get for the right choice. Thanks much!

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