kids in motion, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Toddlers: more dangerous than you think

At some point in your life, you’re probably going to encounter this specimen of small humans called toddlers and you probably won’t know what to do with them. They seem small and powerless but they have some mysterious hold over much bigger humans. They’re known to make grown-ups pander to their every whim and fancy, dictate behavior by screams and get treated like royalty.

Experts are just starting to discover their source of power and how they reel in their victims. The most common is this four-step technique.

Step #1: They will try to fool you with their cuteness, like flash you those chubby cheeks and juicy thighs to make you swoon.

Step #2: They will trick you with their speed. Those lumbering movements may seem slow and uncoordinated but they’re surprisingly quick.

Step #3: They will try to distract you with their grin and their gay apparel. The moment you go “ooh so adorable”, you’re toddler meat.

Step #4: By the time they get close enough, there’s no chance of escape.

The next time you see one of these running towards you like this, RUN AND DON’T LOOK BACK. Save yourselves before it’s too late.

Unless it’s already too late for you, then welcome to the club, I guess. Being a slave to a tiny person ain’t so bad.

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  • Reply Gene January 13, 2011 at 11:55 pm

    our daughters could be best friends. they are both cute and they use the same tricks and we are wrapped in their cute little fingers. How old is your daughter? Mine is turning 2 tomorrow. :)
    Gene´s last post ..making new traditions

  • Reply Andrea January 14, 2011 at 11:16 am

    She is super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the Owl Tee, brought her cute quotient up another 2000 notches!!!!!!

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