stuff best described as not safe for parents

Monkey Alert

How did this happen?

I’ve always known Truett to be an adrenaline junkie but all this time, he’s been a safe one (if there’s such a thing). He climbs stuff and jumps from stuff like a typical boy but he takes calculated risks and has always exercised restraint in how high he goes. And he always checks to make sure I’m there as his safety net just in case.

During our recent trip to Hong Kong, we spent some time at this playground near Citygate Outlet Mall. It’s mostly like the playgrounds we have here except taller and scarier. Like this rocket structure that was really huge – all the kids up on that thing were at least in Primary School.

When Tru saw it from afar, he sprinted to it and started climbing. And when the husband followed behind he was like “Daddy you go down, I can do it by myself. No, no, stand further back, you don’t come so near.”

He was up on the monkey bars, sitting on top of places that weren’t meant to be sat on and ok, somebody please tell me he’s too small to be scaling the structures spiderman-style. I was lurking around below yelling at him to be careful but he just looked down at me nonchalantly and said “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine I won’t fall.”

I figured I’d have to deal with this when he turns 7 or 8, but the little guy is barely even 4 and he’s doing all the things that big boys do. I guess 4 is the new 7 now.

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  • Reply Elaine March 28, 2012 at 9:40 am

    That looks really scary! But looks like Truett really managed it well, like he says he could.
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  • Reply Marie March 28, 2012 at 11:32 am

    I saw this and my heart when into my throat :(
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  • Reply Adorra March 28, 2012 at 11:41 am

    He is brave! Tru the brave boy! :D
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  • Reply SengkangBabies March 29, 2012 at 12:14 am

    I will not be surprised when T’s sister ups the ante, and show you some GI Jane stunts (one benefit of siblings is they monkey see monkey do !)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Penang Day 1 – Hard Rock hotel and Adventure Zone

  • Reply jo March 29, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    Thats like SOOOOOOOO cool a playground!!!!

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