how i pretend to be a cool mum, stuff best described as not safe for parents

I sang, I danced, I stole things

Wassup superfriends!

Couldn’t resist. I’m still reeling from the awesomeness of the night’s events. Jason Mraz is in town and I had my much-deserved night off to catch the hottest guy on earth live in action. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel like an out-of-touch, knocked-up chick that’s been cooped up at home for waaayyy too long.

Note to self: I’ve gotta stop getting pregnant.

Anyway, it’s official. I can still bring it.

Sitting there at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, I found the Remedy for the Beautiful Mess which is pretty much the state of my life these days. From the time Mr A-Z burst up on stage to the Dynamo of Volition, I was screaming like a fourteen-year-old after a Jolly Shandy. Man, it’s good to feel young again.

Seriously, it’s the most fun I’ve had in months. No Clockwatching or scrambling after my Mr. Curiosity. I was utterly mrazmerised, transported to a world where life and love were being celebrated. At once witty, whimsical and downright wonderful, it was clear that Mraz totally brought his A-game, and I was loving every moment of it.

Rock on, my Geek in the Pink! And for the rest of you, go on, get out and live high. Life’s too good for us to be sitting on our asses drowning in monotony.

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  • Reply This just in: entomophobia could be hereditary | MOTHER, INC. February 28, 2011 at 10:20 am

    […] see. They hate vegetables, love Mraz, eat their fishball skin before the meat, laugh at inappropriate moments, are impatient, demanding, […]

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