stuff best described as not safe for parents

Getting peed on is not fun. But apparently, it’s funny.

baby finn

Usually after baby Finn’s bath every morning, I do this thing where I put him on my bed and tickle him senseless. Right before I blow raspberries on his pudgy tummy. And munch on his chubby cheeks.

It’s the best time to do these things because a) he smells divine and b) it’s hard to resist with all his delicious rolls of baby fats staring at me.

If you didn’t know better, you’d think that he hates it because he’s shrieking and flopping around like a fish but I’m pretty sure that he actually likes it. Every time I stop, he eyes me with his cheeky grin and flashes me with another juicy baby thigh. Like “c’mon momma, more raspberries!!” So I gladly oblige.

The past couple of days, the little guy has been down with a massive viral fever so he’s been pretty stoned out but he looked a little better today and I thought I’d cheer him up with some post-bath tickling time. There I was trying to coax a giggle out of him with my super exciting raspberry blowing and all he could muster was a weak smile. So I figured ok, maybe I need more enthusiasm here and I buried my face into his tum tums when I felt something warm spreading all across the top of my shirt.

Sure enough, I was getting full scale peed on.

I didn’t have time to think so I jumped up and tried to get as far away as possible from the stream of pee but without my shirt absorbing the impact, it shot up into the air and landed everywhere. It was now my turn to shriek and flail as I tried to grab a nearby towel to contain the damage.

And I thought baby Finn was too sick to laugh but he must have thought the whole thing was a huge joke because he broke into a series of chuckles every time I shrieked.

The things I do to make this dude laugh.

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  • Reply Adorra April 30, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    I am sorry but I chuckled a bit while reading your entry. kekeke.

    • Reply Daphne May 3, 2013 at 11:48 pm

      Haha one of these days you’ll be able to enjoy the wonderful experience of bein peed on

  • Reply wendy May 2, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    aww soo cute little finn.. how come he got fever?

    • Reply Daphne May 3, 2013 at 11:48 pm

      Probably got it from tru and Kirsten. Poor boy was so miserable.

  • Reply SengkangBabies May 2, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    We parents will do everything to make the kids chuckle, especially at the infant\toddler stage .
    That’s when we know everything is fine and baby is growing up ok :)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Boon Lay Food Centre

    • Reply Daphne May 3, 2013 at 11:50 pm

      So true! As long as they are well it’s all ok. :)

  • Reply JY May 6, 2013 at 4:28 pm

    Haha, I experienced that with my baby before. Now I make sure I cover his wee wee with diaper first right after his bath before I do my kisses and massages on his tummy!

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