i embarrass myself sometimes, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Believe it or not, I can pass off as 16. Apparently.

According to my calendar, it’s 3 days till the end of the year. Instead of the usual “WHERE HAS THE YEAR GONE” meltdown, I’ve decided that what this year really needs is for me to finish it up with aplomb.

While that used to mean a very late night with loud music and some tequila, it has now come to mean some very early mornings with lazy breakfasts and walks in the park.

In a week, we’ll all be back to the usual routines, geting all busy with work and school and important things to look into. And then before we know it, another year will have gone by. And then another. That’s how people get to become old and tired, as the years pass us by without stopping.

So just for a couple of days before the year ends, we’re starting a new tradition. To make the year stop. Or at least, make ourselves stop and take a breath before sprinting off again. Press the reset button. Relax a little.

Since the husband is on leave till the new year, we’re clocking in some proper family time these couple of days. Maybe even sneak in some alone time without the kids and act like kids again. On a bunny trail, I was out shopping with my mom and my sister when a girl from the store told us she thought I was 16. Or at most 19. I used to think that being happy to be thought of as younger than you really are was lame. The obnoxious 21-year-old me was all like “there’s nothing wrong with looking your age, as long as you still rocked the look.” But I realized that when you got to 28 or 30, all you want is for people to think that you look much younger.

I hate to admit it, but grown ups are so predictable.

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