kids inc, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Androgynous is the New Macho

It’s bizarre. 7 out of 10 strangers will mistake Tru for a girl, and it used to really bug me. Ok, so he’s got bangs. And longer-than-average lashes. And pretty, big eyes. And a charming grin. But I assure you, HE’S A BOY. I can show you if you want.

In spite of my best efforts to dress him up in dudish duds, I still encounter blind cows who insist that he’s a chick. Look, the universal rules have not changed. Boys dress in blue and girls dress in pink. Just check the color, people, it’s not that hard.

Like I said, it used to really bug me.

That’s until I had a moment of truth. You know, when the glass shatters and you suddenly see a side that was really there all along, and you never see it in quite the same light again. The kind of OMG I WAS THE BLIND COW moment that changes your life forever.

Sometimes, all it takes is an innocuous object, like say, a  hairband or a little pink hairclip to change everything. Take a gander.

So I say, revel in it my boy, androgynous is the new macho.

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  • Reply Jo March 19, 2009 at 4:18 pm

    Oh my gosh! Is that a pretty babe or what, Tru looks GORGEOUS!! Keep writing, you’re brilliant and I can’t wait for the next…


  • Reply Jessy March 24, 2009 at 7:31 am

    So cute girl! eerr…boy…girl…boy oops hehe

  • Reply Anne March 25, 2009 at 11:47 am

    Daff, this is ridiculously funny! Your entries had me grinning from ear to ear like a mad clown in office — I think you’re in the running for Best Mum Blog of the Year 2009!!

  • Reply Graphito March 28, 2009 at 9:37 am

    HEHEHE!!! Sooo pretty! Oops! ;)

  • Reply Reddie April 9, 2009 at 9:55 am

    I had my boy mistaken as a girl and my girl called a boy when they were that young.

    Maybe that’s the way babies are meant to be. My mum loved helping to dress the girl with ambiguous colour codes just for the fun of it.

    But I must say, my, this chap’s really sweet!

  • Reply Time for bed, sleepyhead | MOTHER, INC. August 7, 2009 at 12:03 am

    […] the real stroke of genius has to be the brother/sister’s (see, androgynous is all the rage) complete nonchalance. Then again, if it was my kid, I’d have given him a good and proper […]

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