stuff best described as not safe for parents

A rush of blood to the head

I woke up this morning planning to write about a trip to the dentist. When I was about done, I looked at it and I was all “that’s not particularly exciting, I should probably trash it. I bet nobody’s going to want to read that.”

While I was still mulling over whether or not I wanted to go ahead with it, Tru fell while chasing Kirsten around the house and knocked the back of his head against the door so we ended up in the emergency room instead. And now I’m writing about a visit to the hospital. Funny how life turns out sometimes – and I don’t mean ha-ha kind of funny but “hey, that’s weirdly coincidental I SHOULD NEVER SAY MY LIFE IS BORING EVER AGAIN.”

What’s that they always say about being careful what you ask for in case it turns out to be your child splitting his head open and bleeding all over your living room floor?

Speaking of coincidental, remember the time I smashed my head at Ikea and bled so profusely I had to get it stitched up? Well, I do. Rather vividly, I might add so this was a bit like deja vu. Wait, does deja vu count when it’s happening to someone else? This is all so confusing and I’m a little exhausted from the entire night’s drama. Anyhow, I’m now like an expert on head wounds so I knew I had to bring him in for stitches.

I suppose the one good thing that comes from bleeding from your head is that it counts as a real emergency so we didn’t have to wait very long at the emergency room. The doctor assessed the wound, cleaned it up and applied some anesthetic cream on it. At one point, he showed us how deep the gash was was and when he pulled apart the skin, I could almost see part of his brain. This is not one of those things they prepare you for when you have a child. “Oh btw, one day, you’re going to see the inside of his head, no big deal.”

There were 2 ways to do the stitching. If Tru could keep still during the procedure, we could be done in 15 minutes. If not, they would have to sedate him and it would be a very long night.

We went for the *awake* version first. Once the anesthesia kicked in, Tru had to be straightjacketed like a wormlet and pinned down to the table. It was all quite surreal. I have to admit that I was a lot more anxious than he was because HELLO, STICHES. SHARP NEEDLE. IN MY POOR BABY’S HEAD. THE PERFECT BABY HEAD I GAVE BIRTH TO. Tru just lay there calmly while the needle darted in and out of his flesh.

When the doctor was done, he said Tru was the coolest kid he’s ever stitched. So either he’s very new at this or my boy is some kind of awesome. Although I’m pretty sure it’s the second one, mostly because there were 2 interns watching the whole time and I learnt from Grey’s Anatomy that you don’t get your own minions unless you’re pretty good.

And this is where I get to be all emo because I just watched my baby take 5 stitches in the head. I think I’m going to need some ice-cream.

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  • Reply Jasmine October 7, 2011 at 12:38 am

    Feel better Tru, such a brave boy you are!

  • Reply Elynn October 7, 2011 at 2:02 am

    Well done Tru, truly a brave boy!

  • Reply Kelly October 7, 2011 at 3:38 am

    Omg x1000 for the both of you!! The poor baby:( so glad he’s ok! What a star! Looks like he’s earned the right for a big tub of ice cream!

  • Reply Yvonne October 7, 2011 at 9:45 am

    Hope you guys are doing well

    Tru, our brave little boy.. he is awesome not only some kind of awesome. :) I remembered my girl last fall and ended to the emergency room for stitches too. She almost cried her lung out when the doctor are doing the stitches.

    mummy, yes you deserved a BIG tube of ice cream for keeping calm.

  • Reply Kam October 7, 2011 at 9:49 am

    Oh dear! So there is really not much we can do to child proof the house cos they just knock or bang into anytihng!

    Tru is such a brave boy! Get well soon! And I am sure Kristen would take good care of Tru. You are very brave too, I am not sure if I can see through his open wound to part of his brain….. Take care!

  • Reply Bing October 7, 2011 at 10:01 am

    Aaww.. that must have been scary for you! I’m sure it was a defining moment for Tru. I had about 5 stitches on my head when I was a kid too, I can still feel that scar on my head and it’s pretty cool. Hee!

    Get well soon, Tru!
    Bing´s last post ..Steve Jobs.

  • Reply xueyin October 7, 2011 at 10:18 am

    Get well soon Tru. Brave boy!

  • Reply Ai Sakura October 7, 2011 at 10:24 am

    Aww poor lil guy!! He is certainly getting his “manly” scars early!!
    Ai Sakura´s last post ..Things I Know: Always Check your Old Cameras

  • Reply Debbie G October 7, 2011 at 11:04 am

    Actually, in Singapore, it’s quite rare to have a child who will sit still long enough to take a photo, let alone get stitched. (And it’s quite rare to come across a parent who remains calm, instead of saying something like ‘naughty doctor, bad doctor, see mummy beat the doctor, Beat! beat! Naughty doctor!’, as if that helps the child at all)

  • Reply leslie October 7, 2011 at 11:20 am

    I can’t imagine how calm and brave you are to stay on and watch him get stitched up… think i will be the one bawling away instead *malu*…….
    Hope he get well soon and you get THAT tub of ice cream! :)

  • Reply Cynthia October 7, 2011 at 11:48 am

    Poor Tru…Have a speedy recovery. Hugz…

  • Reply Lazymummy October 7, 2011 at 12:31 pm

    OMG! Hope he get well soon.

  • Reply NerdyMum October 7, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    OMG! Ouch. Tru look truly brave!
    Such an eventful morning that maybe you need a mojito instead :P

  • Reply qiu xian October 7, 2011 at 4:42 pm

    He’s so brave! And you’re a brave mum too!

  • Reply Vanessa October 7, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    Wow, your son is def awesome n you are one brave momma too!!

  • Reply Madeline October 8, 2011 at 10:15 am

    Tru looks all, “what are you guys so kan cheong about? it’s all cool man” One brave little man you’ve got there! I seriously hope this never happens to me! Both of ya deserve a LARGE TUB of ice-cream with loads of chocolate sprinkles and M&Ms! *laughs*
    Madeline´s last post ..My Little Neighbourhood of Tiong Bahru

  • Reply Heather October 9, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    He’s definitely some kind of awesome that poor little guy! For him to go through that and just suck it up is pretty fabulous. Tough, tough kids!
    Heather´s last post ..Baby Strollers

  • Reply Candice October 9, 2011 at 11:07 pm

    so heartache to see kids go through these. hope Tru recovers well and soon!

  • Reply SengkangBabies October 10, 2011 at 1:09 am

    hope Tru bounce back quickly :)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Jurong East Swimming Complex Rocks !

  • Reply San October 10, 2011 at 9:34 am

    Oh dear! Tru is such a trooper!
    San´s last post ..Xavier – Dedicated to God

  • Reply Ade October 11, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Oh dear…can fully understand it coz my son also had a bad hit on the forehead…was teased by all he has a ‘harry potter’ scar…but the good thing is they don’t rmember much of it after a while.Get well soon Tru!

  • Reply Leonny October 12, 2011 at 11:44 pm

    Ouch! =( And I’m all amazed that he could manage it all sitting down!

    Well done, Tru!
    Leonny´s last post ..Parenting : Looking Beyond the ‘Everyday-ness’ of Today

  • Reply Reese October 14, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    I totally understand how you feel.
    My 2 year old girl fell down last month from the changing table while I was trying to clean up her poop. She ended up with 6 stitches under her nose and one tooth less. She went through the “awake treatment” too.
    I think I am more traumatized than she is cos she was back to her clowning self the moment we were at the ward.

  • Reply HFMD ain’t no fun for me October 31, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    […] drooling all day and had to talk like he had a lisp. Coming from the boy who didn’t flinch while taking 5 stitches to the head, it was […]

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