not feeling so supermum, stuff best described as not safe for parents

Wormlets are a bad, bad idea

There’s this thing I like to do when the kids step out of the shower. I call it the wormlet. Well, because they get wrapped up nice and tight and wriggly like a teensy weensy little baby worm.

The benefits of the wormlet are manifold. They stay warm so they don’t catch a cold. They stay snug so I don’t have to chase their flailing naked bottom around the house. They are held captive so I get to munch on those baby cheeks twice a day. Also, come on, do I need to tell you how cute this looks?

But then my friend, Sean has been telling us for months that the wormlet is a bad, bad idea. It’s an accident waiting to happen because should they trip and fall, they can’t use their hands to break the fall and will fall flat on their face. Apparently he knows this because it happened to him as a child and that’s how he split his chin open.

Except I was all “my kids have exceptional balance and besides, the walk from the bathroom to the bedroom is like 20 steps tops. That’s practically fall-proof.”

I obviously didn’t factor in the fact that I’m an accident magnet and anyone who’s got my genes is pretty much doomed.

And this is where I tell you that baby girl had a nasty fall while doing the wormlet and split open her bottom lip. Thankfully it wasn’t her chin and thankfully she didn’t need stitches. She does however, have a battle scar in the form of a ginormous ulcer that she now wears like a badge of honor.

Which means that she’s basically gets whatever she wants for the next few days because she’s got +100 I-told-you-so points after mommy made her fall on her face.

Kirsten: Mommy can I have gummies/ice-cream/yoghurt/lollipop/juice/french fries?

Me: After lunch, baby.

Kirsten: See, my lip pain pain.

Me: Ok ok, fine. I guess you can have some now. *sigh*

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  • Reply Ellen May 27, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Poor Babe! Ethan loves being wrapped up too after his baths. He always insists that we locate our camera, and/or cell phone, so that we can capture his cuteness. I never did stop to think about the inevitable accidents… but ya know, he’s got far superior balance skills than…

    JK. I’m paranoid after reading your post. Hope she gets better soon!
    Ellen´s last post ..Parks- parks- and more parks!

    • Reply Daphne May 27, 2011 at 10:04 pm

      yeah, i’ve definitely learnt my lesson. now I’m wrapping the towel under her armpits so at least she’s got her hands free.

  • Reply Jus May 27, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    OUCH! That is one huge ulcer… hope she gets better soon, and that it doesn’t affect her eating!
    Jus´s last post ..Foodie Fridays- When you walk into the kitchen

    • Reply Daphne May 27, 2011 at 10:08 pm

      thanks! I’ve been making porridge for her to make the eating easier and she’s been eating ok. thankful for the little things.

  • Reply Hema May 27, 2011 at 7:21 pm

    Hey, poor gal! Kisses and hugs to her!!

  • Reply Ruth May 27, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    Oh dear, that’s a big swell there! Did she cry badly? I do that for my boy too and he fell once trying to walk from bathroom to bedroom, so I would carry him after getting him tightly wrapped in towel :P
    Ruth´s last post ..The Family Lounge at PS

    • Reply Daphne May 27, 2011 at 10:11 pm

      oh yeah…the crying was long and loud. i felt so bad because there was a lot of blood everywhere, poor girl. i do try to carry one kid but I usually take turns, so they both get to be carried every other day. i probably could bathe them separately but that’s only half as fun.

  • Reply Jillian May 28, 2011 at 9:24 am

    I have to admit the same thing happened to Max, I was gushing over how cute he looked all wrapped up and of course he tries to walk towards me only to fall flat on his face. Thankfully he fell on the rug and before he knew what had happened I picked him up and started talking to him like nothing had happened. He was still oblivious to the fact that mama had just caused him to fall flat on his face and didn’t even cry. Phew. Not that it made me feel less guilty though cos I had dear Ally in the back saying ” Oh mama, you’re naughty, you made Max fall down!”

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 10:04 pm

      Haha Ally is so cute! It’s impossible to get away with boo-boos with bigger kids keeping an eye on us.

  • Reply Min May 28, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Oh no poor girl!! Hope it heals fast!

    For us, my helper is rather innovative. The bulk of the towel is wrapped around her body, but she’ll use the ends in different ways. Sometimes, it is tied criss-crossed, halter style (with a knot at the back of the neck). Other times, she crosses the towel on the back and lets the lil girl grab the ends in front, with both her hands, i.e. she walks with her hands at her collarbone, holding on to the tips of the towel :) So far no accidents *cross fingers* :)

    • Reply Min May 31, 2011 at 8:00 am

      Hi Daphne, just did a blog entry specially for you so you can have an idea of what I’m describing! :) http://www.tuan-min.com/blog/?p=4848
      Min´s last post ..Towel Fun!

      • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 10:06 pm

        Thanks Min!! Love the post. I tried the halter today but the first picture was a bit difficult, I’m still trying to figure how to do that…

  • Reply Yvonne May 28, 2011 at 11:24 am

    Geez…this is sure a huge ulcer Kristen gotten. It must have hurt badly but I bet it hurts Mommy more than anything. I understand how it feels to feel really guilty and sorta blaming ourselves for causing pain to our kids. My baby recently gotten bad diaper rash and runny nose all thanks to my “carelessness”. I am still trying to get over these bad feelings but I guess that’s part and parcel of motherhood, yeah? We are all learning to be better moms everyday. Despite it all, I’m sure such incidents also make our kids stronger persons. And of course, wishing speedy recovery for Kristen. :)
    Yvonne´s last post ..Why Do You Read My Blog

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 10:08 pm

      Agree! It’s the worst when we are the ones who cause the extra pain so I’ll try to make up for it by babying them extra. sigh..

  • Reply Beanbean May 28, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    Oh dear, looking at that face, I’d totally give her whatever she asks for too. I remember taking a dive all wrapped up as a kid too. Of course, I’m the sort of person who would fall over her own feet. Hope Kirsten recovers soon!
    Beanbean´s last post ..Only by Grace

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 10:10 pm

      Thanks!! She’s much better now, it’s just a small ulcer instead of a large one. But she’s still pointing to it and telling me it hurts. i think she knows its her get-everything-she-wants pass. I have a feeling she’ll still try to use it after the ulcer disappears.

  • Reply Life with a Mini May 30, 2011 at 12:04 am

    Poor baby! I’m sure you feel terrible about it, but look she’s still smiling! It’ll be alright! I used to do the wormlet when he was younger too lol, but these days, i do the monk robe style (like a toga?) so he has his arms free, but at least his back and most parts of his front are also covered… umm, does it make sense?
    Life with a Mini´s last post ..Through an 18 months old eyes

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 12:50 am

      Totally makes sense, I need to get one of those orangey/reddish towels to complete the Shaolin look!

  • Reply Momof2 May 30, 2011 at 10:11 am

    It was only yesterday that my girl was running to the hall when I wrapped her after a bath. I was screaming behind her as I was worried she will slip and fall because her feets are not fully dried even after stepping on the door mat. Usually I will either carry her or hold on to her shoulder as I walk her to the room to get dress.

  • Reply zhing May 31, 2011 at 11:12 am

    awwww but wormlets are so cute! and using a split bottom lip to barter for candy – brilliant! :)

    • Reply Daphne May 31, 2011 at 10:14 pm

      Exactly!! Especially when they’re shuffling around like a tiny zombie..it’s too cute.

  • Reply Adora June 2, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Hi Daphne, nice to meet you at the Disney event :)

    Husband wrapped Poppy up wormlet style and she fell and had a bad cut on her lip :(
    Adora´s last post ..Gruffalo Crumble

    • Reply Daphne June 2, 2011 at 8:15 pm

      Hey Adora, great meeting you too! And poor girl, I bet she can trade sob stories with Kirsten.. :)

  • Reply Vote Daphne for Emeritus Optimus Prime Minister June 6, 2011 at 2:16 pm

    […] on how you look at it. Although I’m pretty sure that they don’t know about the time I made my baby fall on her face and bleed all over my kitchen floor. Or that I almost got hauled off to jail for allowing my kids to prank call the police. Let’s […]

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