side effects of motherhood

Tru-ster, Champion Hider

Living in a small-ish apartment, hide-and-seek isn’t one of those games we play a lot at home. It’s just not very fun when there aren’t many places to hide in. I have at most 7 decent hiding spots in the house and I can pretty much scan the entire place within 20 seconds.

Sometimes, to make the game last a little longer, I pretend to not see the kids when in fact, I’ve located a conspicuous baby toe in like 2 seconds. I do the typical “hmm, I wonder where the kids are” routine (*yawn*) for a while before making a dramatic show of finding them.

Unless I want some time alone to have a cup of coffee, in which case I do the hide-and-ditch, where I make them hide before quietly sneaking off to do my own thing. That usually buys me about 5 minutes before they get bored and come looking for me and in turn, I go hide somewhere when I hear them coming. That’s called the reverse-hide-and-seek.

The things parents have to do in the name of entertainment.

In recent weeks, we’ve discovered that Truett is quite a skillful hider. It helps that he’s small enough to fit into very tiny spaces but the more important thing is that he’s very creative in seeking out hiding spots. Also, he’s super patient and quiet while he’s hiding – all the qualities of a champion hider. Whenever we play hide-and-seek now, I have to bring my A-game in order to locate him and even then, it sometimes takes me several minutes of active searching before I find him.

And his secret move is called the surprise-hide-and-seek. Wherein he decides to hide without anyone knowing that he’s hiding. Which obviously requires a great deal of patience because it could be a while before anyone actively looks for him. But when it works, it’s very effective.

Just this evening, I was out with the husband for some quick errands and my mom was helping to put the kids to bed when Truett decided that it was a good time to play a game of unannounced hide-and-seek. My mom was calling out for him and hunting everywhere but nothing – she even thought that he had somehow managed to sneak out of the house with us (she was about to call us to check).

Finally, after a considerable amount of panic, she found him in a little corner behind the bed.

Truett = 1

Grandma = 0

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  • Reply Jamie July 23, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    hahaha that’s hilarious! i can just imagine Grandma panicking.. my 2.5 year old is like that. There were a few times I couldn’t find her only to see her hiding behind a door, waiting quietly and patiently for us to find her! Only we didn’t realise she was playing hide and seek with us.

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2013 at 10:31 pm

      So cute! For a 2.5 year old, it’s quite advanced! My kids were never patient enough to hide for more than 30 seconds at that age.

  • Reply SengkangBabies July 24, 2013 at 9:00 am

    My older kids are still “entertaining” the two smaller ones!
    And when they run out of space to hide, they will hide behind the parents.

    When they play hide and seek, it is actually a cue for us to bring them downstairs again :)

    cheers, Andy (SengkangBabies)
    SengkangBabies´s last post ..Rise & Shine expo workshops giveaway

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2013 at 10:33 pm

      That’s the awesome thing about older siblings – can always count on them to entertain the smaller ones. So sweet la, your kids.

  • Reply Adeline July 24, 2013 at 11:50 am

    Haha your mum must have really freaked out when she couldn’t find him! He is really a master at the surprise-hide-and-seek. Did he get the ‘no more surprise-hide-and-seek’ talk from Grandma after that?
    Adeline´s last post ..Our IVF story in Two Pictures

    • Reply Daphne July 24, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      I think he definitely did! Whether he will listen is another matter altogether.

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