side effects of motherhood

This is how I know my girl will be nothing like me

I abhor headbands because they cut off blood supply to my brain and I can hear my brain cells begging for mercy as they die off one by one. I know I should never say never but I’ve never been caught dead in a headband and unless I have a lobotomy (even then, I’ll do without the flower thankyouverymuch), I probably never will.

But that’s just me.

Baby girl knows that she rocks the large-flower-on-her-head look and wants to wear it every time we go out. When I forget to put it on for her, she grabs her head like “hey mom, where’s my pretty, huh?” Then after I position it nicely on hear head, she pats her hair in satisfaction and flashes her coy, girly smile.

I have a feeling she’ll be ransacking my makeup drawer in no time but it’s less of a drawer and more of a small pouch where I keep all of my 3 lip colors (of almost the same shade) and none of those fancy nail polish thingamajigs that girls are so fond of. Maybe it’s time for momma to up the girly-girlness a little so I don’t get outdone by my little fashionista.

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  • Reply Chrystal August 14, 2010 at 10:18 pm

    We can swap. I love to put handbands and clips and what-nots on Lauralynn’s head and she YANKS them off (if I even manage to put them on).

    Oh btw, I am doing great so far. Will be popping in less than 2 months!

    • Reply Daphne August 16, 2010 at 12:23 pm

      @Chrystal, Hey Chrystal, great to hear you’re doing good!

      Times flies!!! Preparations are in place yeah?

  • Reply Bun Bun Makeup Tips May 1, 2011 at 12:43 am

    Cute post! Totally describing the relationship between my mum and me! =)
    Bun Bun Makeup Tips´s last post ..Eyebrow Pencil That Lasts Whole Day – Rimmel London Professional Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown

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