side effects of motherhood

P is for pumpkin, it’s bleagh.

I suppose it says a lot about my baby obsession when I’m already 4 kids in and I still get excited about baby milestones.

Look who’s just become a food-eating expert!!

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I would have expected mister chubbs here to be the most expert food-eater of them all but turns out that he’s the only kid who’s taken a while to master this critical life skill. All the other kids tasted their first bite of baby food and they were like “YUMS GIVE ME MORE!!”

This baby tasted some baby rice at 4 months and he was not impressed. He made a face and just let it fall out of his mouth apathetically. I caught it with the spoon and shoved it back in like the expert food-feeder that I am but he just let it dribble back out again, like “eww mom, what is this?? It’s not worth all that effort it takes to push it to the back of my throat with my tongue and then swallow, here, just take it away.”

So it was back to breastmilk for this baby.

I waited another month and I figured it was time for a second introduction to solids because some nights ago, we were out for supper at four fingers and the way he looked at me eating my soy garlic crispy chicken? Let’s just say I really started to feel bad for enjoying it so much.

This time, I introduced him to pureed pumpkin with baby rice and breastmilk. Mmmm, yeah, now that’s more like it. That’s the face of somebody who knows something good is about to make its way into his mouth.

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When he finally tasted the food, I think he felt a bit cheated to be eating mushy pumpkin instead of crispy chicken.

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In fact, he tasted the first spoonful of his baby food and decided to inspect the next one closely as it was going in. “Um…THIS DOES NOT LOOK LIKE CHICKEN, MOMMA!!”

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Hey, easy there tiger, it’ll be at least 2 more years before you’re getting any of that soy garlic chicken action. Here, have another spoonful of delicious pumpkin instead.

Alas, behold the face of crushing baby disappointment.

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“Okay mom, guess I’ll have to make do with icky baby rice then.” *sad eyes*

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