by the numbers, lists you should paste on your fridge, side effects of motherhood

My life in numbers

You probably know by now that I’m not a big fan of numbers, especially when you string a lot of them together at one time. Anything past 100 and my head starts to hurt. I say, give me words and pictures any day.

Tru loves to count though, so I’m hoping he’ll turn out to be a Math genius like Einstein or one of those Russian scientists with crazy hair. BTW, ever wondered why Einstein’s hair was so big? It’s a price to pay for being that smart because all the fried brain cells makes the hair go nuts. Need more proof? Just look at my hair – massive.

Anyway, Tru has been counting everything recently, like Megabloks, cups, ants, spoons, dirt and his personal favorite, buttons. Yup, clothing buttons. He sometimes skips three and eight but I shan’t nitpick since I’m not a fan of those numbers myself.

Numbers people will tell you that numbers are better than words because they tell a story and they don’t lie. There’s some truth in that so here’s my attempt to tell my story in numbers.

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  • Reply Serline May 14, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    Let you in on an embarrassing number secret of mine: 10 and 78…

    No guess? The first is the minimum number of minutes I used to enjoy sitting on the toilet and reading magazines while I do my business, and the latter is the number of seconds I now take to move my bowels, ever since Narelle entered the equation ;-P
    .-= Serline´s last blog ..Hot Sun-day =-.

    • Reply Daphne May 14, 2010 at 5:05 pm

      @Serline, I used to read my Archie comics while doing the thing you know. So I may actually clock more minutes than that.

      Does 78secs include wiping?? Haha

  • Reply Hendra May 20, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    BTW … forgot to tell you that I like this idea of numbers. I am thinking to do the same thing for Nina. Maybe in my next post. :)
    .-= Hendra´s last blog ..Father’s Love =-.

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