side effects of motherhood

I’m usually not this stabby

Ever since the husband went back to work after his week-long leave, things have been…intense. Right, what’s new?

I have to admit that for a while there, I was getting used to the good life. Not having to deal with 2 tyrants alone all day. To have somebody to split the poop duties with. Not feeling like I’m stretched to the max all the time. Waking up in the morning and going “LET’S PART-AYYY” instead of “somebody just put me out of my misery right nowwww”.

Ok, I may be exaggerating a little. I never feel like partying if I have to wake up before noon. Which reminds me, the last time I woke up after noon was more than 2 years ago.

In the past week, both the kids have been down with a nasty viral infection, which results in them being more tyrannical then usual. Middle-of-the-night screamy parties that go on FOREVER, food fights, actual fights, general crankiness, more of the same. I’m battling the flu myself and apparently faltering despite all that Redoxon-popping.

Plus, it’s extra crazy these few days because I’ve also got deadlines to meet now. Like real actual work, y’all, so obviously I can’t be slacking off on the job. Just that my job starts at 9pm when both kids are asleep, except now they take turns to scream in the middle of the night so it’s a wonder I get any work done at all. Or sleep for that matter.

Who was it that said parenting was tough? The guy is like a friggin’ genius.

But then there’s the other guy who said parenting is all worth it and I know it’s hard to see it when you’re in a stabby mood but that guy is like an ever bigger genius. Because after you spend all that time feeling sorry for yourself and whining about how your life sucks and you wished you were single and carefree and could sleep till noon everyday, and you want to yell at the kids for making your life hell, you turn to them and they’re doing this.

Touché, babies.

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  • Reply sunflower June 22, 2010 at 11:02 pm

    Hope your kids are already on the road of recovery!

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 12:45 am

      @sunflower, thanks, Tru is better, Kirsten..well, um, she’ll get better!

  • Reply Jus June 22, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    Awwww… Those photos are so sweet! Poor thing you, hope you and the kids will get well soon… It’s really tough going but you’re one tough mama, so hang in there!
    Jus´s last post ..Monday Made: Fantastic freezer-paper

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 12:48 am

      @Jus, thanks, I’m not that tough though, methinks I need a part-time nanny desperately. Heeeelllppp…

  • Reply Ing June 23, 2010 at 3:13 am

    My elder boy and I are down with the flu too. I’ve been feeling terrible (in fact I just wrote a post before hopping over here).

    Thanks for reminding me that “It’s all worth it”. Those photos are really heartwarming.

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 11:35 am

      @Ing, Oh man, you need to get better quickly for your boy and for baby =). Take care!

  • Reply lynne June 23, 2010 at 8:32 am

    Daph my 2 are also down. #1 down with flu and #2 down with viral infection. Her fever goes yoyo for 5 days and after she recovers, she is cover with red spot (Roseola aka fake measles).

    Hope Tru and Kirsten recover soon and all nasty bugs please stay away.

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 11:38 am

      @lynne, Goodness, its an epidemic! Never heard of Roseola before, hope its not the itchy sort.

      • Reply lynne June 24, 2010 at 9:07 am

        Roseola gives baby – bloated stomach and headache thus her crankiness. I never know about that cos I tot rashes means itchy till I brought my girl to the doctor cos she is feeling so uncomfortable not from the itch apparently.

        • Reply Daphne June 25, 2010 at 1:17 am

          @lynne, Is the medication the oral type, or just external application? I hope it goes away quickly, if it hasn’t already.

  • Reply Lazymummy June 23, 2010 at 9:17 am

    Awww….they look so sweet!!!

    Hope everyone recovers soon.
    Lazymummy´s last post ..Riding a tricycle

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 11:39 am

      @Lazymummy, Thanks, its been really draining..

  • Reply jaime June 23, 2010 at 10:05 am

    poor you! *pat pat* hang in thereee!
    jaime´s last post ..Playmobil

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 11:40 am

      @jaime, Thanks. I’m hangin’ but barely there!

  • Reply YH June 23, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    My girl, who is only 15 months old just discharged from KK hospital last Friday. Last Sunday, 4am, we took her to the KK emergency dept. She was having cough, flu and fever. The doctor checked and given her some medication and wanted to send us home but I asked the doctor to ward her 1 day just for observation. At 6am, my girl suddenly has difficulty in breathing, her lips started to turn blue and her breathing becomes very weak, she keep falling asleep or going into coma, I dont know which. I only know I screamed down the whole hospital for doctors and nurses to save my baby. I remember screaming “Dont scare me, dont scare me…” a million times in chinese. In about few minutes later, I heard my baby crying. We will not allow to go into the room. We waiting anxiously outside and although I know she is ok now but I still cry whenever I think of this. The whole 5 days stay at KK, day and night, I carried her and sit on a chair, she is too afraid to sleep on the baby cot on her own. I didnt mind the back and shoulder ache at all. All I care is to hold my girl as close as possible. All this started with just a cough, flu and fever. Something that we always think is common, then it developed into a virus that caused my girls to have lungs infection and it can be worst if I did not insists to ward her for 1 day for observation. I am a free thinker but I really want to thank the god for saving her. I want to thank my girl for staying strong. I wish I am a SAHM so that I can monitor her. I simply cannot stop worrying for her since.

    • Reply sunflower June 23, 2010 at 10:11 pm

      @YH, Hey, hope your girl is also getting better!
      sunflower´s last post ..We Were @ IKEA Today

      • Reply YH June 24, 2010 at 8:29 am

        @sunflower, thanks, ya she is better now. Yesterday morning she slept till 10am and it freak me out becos she don’t usually wake up so late. I think I m going crazy if I continue to worry so much. Ha ha. Must learn to relax.

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 10:40 pm

      @YH,I feel terrible for you reading your comment. It must be such a harrowing experience for you. When Truett was hospitalised for bronchialitis I was so heartbroken to hear him wheezing away. Kids are vulnerable like that and I’m really hope C is getting better. Will keep you and her in my prayers.

      • Reply YH June 24, 2010 at 8:56 am

        @Daphne, thanks for the prayer, she is back to her old self, always saying mom mom, asking for food. Hope everyone recover soon.

      • Reply sunflower June 25, 2010 at 1:13 am

        @Daphne, Hey I understand this feeling. Yvette was down with Bronchialitis when she was 7 mths and was hospiatlise for 3 days at TMC. And that period was closed to Christmas!!!

        • Reply Daphne June 25, 2010 at 1:19 am

          @sunflower, my friend’s kid (barely 2 months old) was warded for a MAJOR op due to some liver issues on NEW YEAR’s eve. I tell you, that was stressful for her!

    • Reply Jus June 24, 2010 at 1:12 am

      @YH, So sorry to hear about your little girl… Our Jude came down with pneumonia when he was 15 months as well, and though he was not hospitalized, we were freaking out through the fever, sleepless nights and constant crying. It broke my heart to see him in such discomfort… Here’s wishing you little one a complete recovery, and we’ll be keeping your family and her in prayer! Take care!
      Jus´s last post ..Thankful Tuesdays: Almost 17…

      • Reply YH June 24, 2010 at 11:18 am

        @Jus, thanks Jus for your prayer. You take care too

    • Reply lynne June 24, 2010 at 9:19 am

      My heart went cold when I heard you saying tat she has breathing difficulties. Thank god on hindsight you warded her.

      I think your girl is recovering thus sleeping in later cos my girl is an early bird but when she is recovering she can sleep till 10am if her brother doesn’t attempt like 1zillions time to wake her.

      • Reply YH June 24, 2010 at 2:28 pm

        @lynne, really? I didn’t know that. I m so glad to hear that. Thanks

  • Reply shuey June 23, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    Hey, I am sick down, think got it from my elder one. Hope you all get well soon. I am back to work and everyday I can’t wait to go home to see my babies too. :)
    shuey´s last post ..Look, Who is Who?

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 10:42 pm

      @shuey, You too?? Oh dear. I hope you are getting better. Your ZXes need you!!

  • Reply Jayne June 23, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    I know what you mean. Sometimes, actually very often, I wish there are 2 of me, so I can rest. Or 2 of my husband. 1 to go to work, and the other to stay home and keep us happy. Would be nice eh? But then at the end of the day, there are only 2 of those precious kids of ours. So hang in there, the good days will come soon.
    Jayne´s last post ..Daddy’s Day

    • Reply Daphne June 23, 2010 at 10:45 pm

      @Jayne, 2 of each would be awesome. I can go watch Toy Story 3 with the husband this friday evening then while Kel II and Daf II watches the kids. Then Saturday they go and we watch the kids. Everybody wins, clone or not.

      • Reply YH June 24, 2010 at 6:09 pm

        @Daphne, I don’t mind cloning another 2 of me, 1 to do house work, another one to take care of the children then the original me can go for spa, movie, swimming…there are so many things I’ll like to do. I haven’t got a break for almost 3 years. If I m not working, I will be taking care of the children. If the children is asleep, I will be doing housework. Someone mentioned before, she hasn’t got a decent sleep for 7 years since the day she delivered her baby. That’s mean I got 5.5 years to go. Ha ha

        • Reply sunflower June 25, 2010 at 1:07 am

          @YH, Hey ladies, everybody wish but then… stop dreaming. :D

          • Daphne June 25, 2010 at 1:20 am

            @sunflower, Hahah. So I guess everyone supports cloning here?

          • YH June 25, 2010 at 1:44 am

            @Daphne, Absolutely. U still awake? The last time I m so awake was during my maternity leave. I don’t have to worry abt waking up to work the next day. Today I m still awake is bcos I m upgrading the software for my iPhone. Pretty cool… Now I can sort my apps into folders.

          • Daphne June 25, 2010 at 1:54 am

            @YH, yes, I did up some work and my latest post, fresh from the oven. Haha have fun with the new iOS4!

  • Reply Linette June 25, 2010 at 3:27 am

    Hi there, very apt post for us moms! I know of these days when fatigue takes over us and we just become a monster! And start wondering why we drop our original bohemian lives in exchange for motherhood! It gets better…yet sometimes it doesn’t – there are new sets of issues even as our children grow older….someone with a 29yo son told me…our children will forever be babies to us – hence all our worries! Yet, on most days, I think parenthood is still the most wonderful task ever :)
    Linette´s last post ..Messy Fun

    • Reply Daphne June 25, 2010 at 10:46 am

      @Linette, 29 yo son..did you speak to my mother-in-law?

      I’ll probably need to blog about other stuff in 15-20 years time. Probably be weird to be posting pics on my teenage kids. unless they have kids of their own then I’ll just rename the site grandmotherinc.org.

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