i embarrass myself sometimes, lists you should paste on your fridge, side effects of motherhood

I should stop being so weird.

Quirks, we all have them. A peculiarity of behavior that we can’t explain or understand, really. Some are cute, others weirdishly charming and some downright bizarre. Most of mine were acquired during childhood and they have been honed to perfection these 20-some years. I can control them if I need to (like when I’m trying to impress a guy or at an important meeting) but not for long because after a while, I get all irritable and twitchy.

Here’s my list of all time favorite quirks.

1. Walking in between the lines of tiles in the pavement. I absolutely have to avoid stepping on the lines, even if I end up walking like a very uncoordinated gargoyle. Two small steps, then one large step, and so on. Depending on the size of the tiles, I modify my steps so that they’re just right. If I manage to complete the whole pavement line-free, I win!

2. Eating my fishball skin first before eating the meat. Same goes for Ferrero Rochers and those 9-layer cakes. I’m very systematic about my eating habits and one time, the husband took a huge random bite out of my 9-layer cake while I was meticulously peeling off layer by layer. Let’s just say that I was really upset at having my masterpiece destroyed.

3. Always going for the left side first. I brush my teeth from left to right. I wear my left shoe first. I always clean my left ear first. I cut my left fingernails first. Starting from the right just makes me very uncomfortable.

4. Counting my candy. This is so subconscious and most of the time, I don’t even realize I’m doing it until I reach 25, by which time I’m all like “shoots, I’m doing it again, stop counting, stop, stop it!” I count every single m&m while I eat them and when I’m done, I count everything that’s left in the bag. Multiple times.

5. Singing in the shower. Seriously, I can’t help it. I don’t sing at the top of my voice because that’s just too weird, but I do it just loud enough for me to hear. And also, when the song is really groovy, I dance. Stop judging me.

The list is way longer than that but some will go with me to my grave because it falls under the bizarre-shit-nobody-should-ever-know category. Anyway, I’ve recently discovered that Tru has a list of very interesting quirks as well. Things like these:

1. He doesn’t eat soft food. He used to eat porridge and mashed up baby food as a baby but one day he just decided that it was totally gross. I think it gives him a weird feeling in his mouth and food he stays away from include mashed potatoes, chee cheong fun, porridge, and peanut butter. Yes, he hates peanut butter. I gave it to him once and he scrunched up his face and shivered like he had never tasted anything so foul in his life.

2. I’m not allowed face out when I’m patting him to sleep on my bed. That creeps him out big time. Every time I face away from him, he climbs over, grabs my face and tells me to “turn around” so that he can see me looking at him while he sleeps.

3. He’s got to have all his toys lined up beside him on the bed before going to sleep. There’s the precious blanket, Kirsten’s duck (good thing I have 3), his 3 care bears, his Playskool butterfly car, his giant Tweety Bird soft toy (that thing is almost as big as him) and his group of assorted bears. He gets upset when they’re not in their proper places and if one of them is missing, he screams bloody murder until it’s found.

Right now the quirks are still cute enough for me to go all googly-woogly about instead of screaming “What’s wrong with you??? Stop being so weird!!!” And if I ever do, that would just be me calling the kettle black, wouldn’t it? You know what they say after all, the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree.

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  • Reply sunflower July 29, 2010 at 1:44 am

    You are an interesting person. But don’t worry you are not alone. I have some weird habit too.

    1. My sleeping style is like a frog. My leg can curve up to 65 degree when I sleep.

    2. I am sotong & I love sotong, especially sotong’s head. And I will keep them to the last. Chewy!

    3. I have mistaken big bird as big duck in Sesame Street. I was finally corrected by one of my primary school teacher.

    4. I can still talk very sensibly even when I am very very very very very tired. (According to my hubby de, this one I dunno wo.)

    5. When I do laundry, I will definitely use the same colour of clip in one bamboo.
    sunflower´s last post ..Julia Gabriel English PlayClub Term 3- Lesson 9 Stand-in

    • Reply Daphne July 30, 2010 at 5:32 pm

      @sunflower, Why is talking sensibly even when you’re very tired weird? I talk complete nonsense when I’m about to sleep. I once asked the husband why he was squatting down and eating chicken rice by the side of the road – when we were both in bed.

  • Reply Tin July 29, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    OH, alright! OCD is such commonplace nowadays! I was once so worried of my daughters’ weird habits, which are traits of OCD. Phew! I’m glad I read this! Haha…
    Tin´s last post ..4 year old tantrums

    • Reply Daphne July 30, 2010 at 5:32 pm

      @Tin, Uh – I MAY have OCD. Just undiagnosed. HA.

  • Reply Rachel July 29, 2010 at 11:58 pm

    No. 1 – 3 are definitely traits of OCD…I have a couple of quirks like that as well. The second quirk of Tru is really funny, he seems to be developing very specific preferences at his age which is very much like Kyle. I am always whinging at why Kyle is so particular about so many things.
    Rachel´s last post ..There more to just learning how to read

    • Reply Daphne July 30, 2010 at 5:34 pm

      @Rachel, I never know what goes on with the clockwork in that little brain of his. I guess that’s what makes us unique. Or weird. Both ways.

  • Reply Bing July 30, 2010 at 12:36 pm

    I do everything from the left first too! My husband thinks it’s weird that I can never start doing anything from the right. Haha!

    The biggest OCD I had was when I first started applying mascara. Every.. and I really mean EVERY single lash must be evenly coated before I could walk out of the house.
    Bing´s last post ..Great Stuff 044

    • Reply Daphne July 30, 2010 at 5:35 pm

      @Bing, and THAT’s why you look picture perfect all the time!!!

  • Reply lxlb July 30, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    The left to right thing is cos u’re right handed?
    I also don’t like stepping on lines on tiles, unless both feet step the equal number of times. There must be some explanation…

    But the counting candy one is weird i must say. hahaha
    lxlb´s last post ..Pictures from BVilla Bali

    • Reply Daphne August 3, 2010 at 12:08 pm

      @lxlb, Eh your comment went into my spam queue.

      hmm, is being right-handed the reason why?

      I think the best explanation is that the lines represent laser beams which will slice off our ankles upon contact. A possible and more probable explanation is that we’re weird.

  • Reply EileenW August 3, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    Yeah, how did that happen? My younger son was always gesturing for more mushy baby food every time I fed him, to don’t even put anything that look mushy in front of him. He would even display regurgitating action at the sight of us eating porridge!
    EileenW´s last post ..Reading

    • Reply Daphne August 4, 2010 at 2:31 pm

      @EileenW, Kids are waaay more temperamental than us adults. All the mothers will say amen to that I’m sure.

  • Reply A Little This & That about Yvette @ 26.5mths « Once In A LifeTime August 6, 2010 at 1:10 am

    […] After reading Daphne’s post, I think Yvette has a couple of interesting quirks […]

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