seriously somewhat serious

A few words on giving thanks

This being the season on giving thanks, I wanted to take a moment to give thanks for all the blessings I get to count.

It’s been a good year (better than most), with lots to be thankful for.


For family. My mom, my in-laws, my sister, my brother and Bernie. These guys are my people – loud and crazy and sometimes weird but always full of love and unwavering support. We haven’t always agreed on everything and I’m glad we never had to pretend to. I’m thankful for all the lovely warm dinners, chats over dessert, the help with the kids often without us asking, and Sarah for getting, no, sharing my insane Disney obsession. Mostly, I’m thankful for my tribe.

For good friends. Friends whose company mean the world to us. Friends who love us like family and don’t ask for anything in return. These are the very best kind.

For a fun life filled with fun activities. Trips to the zoo, picnics in the park, jumping in water fountains and wild roller coaster rides. Sometimes in the midst of all these activities, I’ll have an epiphanic realisation of how much fun we’re having and how much of a privilege it is to be having this much fun and I make a mental note to stop and be thankful.

For the paths we had to take and the lessons we learnt from them. This journey hasn’t been the easiest but having walked through the rough times and now standing on the other side (the brighter side), I’ve learnt to be thankful for the hard lessons.

For the small victories along the way. Little victories are the ones worth celebrating because they eventually turn into great big juicy victories.

For a home filled with love and laughter. A home I look forward to coming home to everyday. A home that’s my happy place.

For Truett, Kirsten and Finn, my three favouritest people in the world. These kids are the raddest in every way possible and I’m just so glad I get to be their mom.

For the husband, the love of my life. Almost seven years of being married to this man and I still wake up in the morning feeling like it’s a dream come true to be waking up next to him. We fight battles in the trenches together, we giggle like kids in fancy restaurants together, we have crazy fun together and I’d gladly spend the rest of my life doing everything else together.


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