
Week 32, it’s starting to get real

In the scheme of pregnancy updates, 32 weeks is when it starts to get real. Like super real.

At this point in the pregnancy, I have this constant awareness that the baby is there all the time, mostly because he’s been making his presence very acutely felt.

I like feeling the baby move – it’s one of my favourite things about being pregnant. But the past couple of weeks, he’s been kicking really hard in every organ possible. I’m getting kicked in internal body parts I didn’t even know existed. And having someone kungfu kick you in the kidney from the inside of your uterus, that’s a special kind of um, discomfort. The other day, I was in a meeting and I might have involuntarily peed in my pants a little because the little guy jabbed me in the bladder.

Also, I was really hoping that Theo would be the mild and docile sort but the last kid that kicked me this hard was Finn and look how crazy he turned out. Boys!

With the baby on my brain this much, I guess it’s also inevitable that the nesting instincts are in full swing. The husband says I’m going into my bird mode again. I’m not sure if it’s a compliment seeing how much I hate birds but I take it that he’s referring to cute birds like penguins. Penguins are the only birds I don’t mind plus they make very efficient nests. Using rocks. That’s pretty much my nesting philosophy these days for a fourth baby. I used to spend all this time looking for the softest, most beautiful cot but it’s already the fourth time I’m doing this so by now, I’m all like “here, this pile of rocks will do just fine.” Kidding. I have a perfectly good cot for the baby.

Most of all, at 32 weeks, I’m restless. All I can think about is how much I want to give birth already. I’m torn between days of “baby needs to hang in there for 8 more weeks so he gets nice and fat” and “I NEED TO GET THIS BABY OUT OF HERE NOW”.

You know what? I’m just going to enjoy the next 8 weeks as much as anyone can enjoy the final weeks of pregnancy.

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  • Reply Elizabeth June 5, 2014 at 11:30 am

    How do you do it? Handling 3 young children and being pregnant? I did 3 back to back and it has been altogether challenging since Day One! They are fighting so often even though they are also playing together and I can’t just imagine what it would be like if I were pregs with number 4! Wow, u deserve a super mommy salute!

    • Reply Daphne June 5, 2014 at 3:51 pm

      Ahem, let’s just say that there’s a lot of chaos at any given time. :) Thankful for family members who pitch in to help as well, they’re really a lifesaver.

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