
Second Trimester Wrap Up

If I have to sum it up, my first trimester was pretty much like having to survive a brutal kungfu endurance training, but with less of the awesome kungfu moves and more of the part where I end up vomiting all over myself multiple times a day.

In comparison, the second trimester was like a leisurely stroll in the park. Nay, make it a dance in the park to a chorus of pretty little birdies. No, wait, make it a full on party in the park with a Glee-level rendition of Party Rock Anthem.

It is the only time where you get to bask in that elusive pregnancy glow that people talk about. It’s 3 precious months of repite without any nasty side effects before everything goes downhill again.

Now that I’m officially in third trimester territory and stricken with a different (but no less annoying) set of pregnancy discomforts, it’s only right that I look back at the awesomeness that is the second trimester.

1. Hello, Appetite.

Some people eat because they have to and others eat because they enjoy it. I happen to fall in the category of people who consider good food an art form. I need to make my calories count so every meal must be worth its weight in taste and satisfaction.

During the first trimester, I would spend hours surfing food blogs looking at pictures just to find something that would trigger my appetite. Laksa, chicken rice, Bak Kut Teh, Wagyu beef steak… nothing worked.

Thankfully, the appetite’s back and I’m at least enjoying my meals again. All’s right with the world.

2. Sporadic Bursts of Energy

I still tire more easily than when I’m not pregnant but comparatively, my energy levels during the second trimester is a marked difference from the other two trimesters. I go to bed at 11pm instead of right after dinner at 7.30 and some days, I can even make do without my afternoon naps.

3. Boom-Chica-Wow-Wow

I shan’t bore you with the details of my sexytime but let’s just say that it’s 50 Shades of Awesome. Ok, I haven’t actually read the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy despite the frenzy it’s caused among the mommy blogging circles but *ahem* at this point, there hasn’t been a need to.

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  • Reply Jean June 1, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    As I commented in that ST article about the library banning the book, 50 Shades is of questionable literary value anyway, so if sexytime’s going great there’s no need to read the book.

    By the way, the commentluv box doesn’t show up in Firefox!
    Jean´s last post ..Port of Lost Wonder

    • Reply Daphne June 1, 2012 at 5:29 pm

      LOL in terms of literary value, it’s got none. I hear it actually makes Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series seem bearable.

      And thanks for the heads up on the commentuv box, will have that sorted out

  • Reply andrea June 1, 2012 at 7:44 pm

    Ahh sexercise a great form of exercise……

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