
Pregnancy induced narcolepsy

It’s been an excellent Christmas by all accounts but I just haven’t been enjoying it like I should. My head tells me that all this is great and I should be having a good time but you know how when you’re pregnant and everything just draaaaags…

This pregnancy has not been kind to me, is all I’m going to say.

ALL THAT DELICIOUS FOOD EVERYWHERE AND MY BRAIN WON’T LET ME ENJOY IT. Nausea and vomiting aside, I’m also flat out exhausted. So many fun christmas parties to attend but I just want to be in a horizontal position all day. By the time I get to 10 in the morning, my system starts to go into shut down mode and I lie down for just a minute because my head feels so heavy and bam, I’m out cold. It’s like full on narcolepsy hitting me square in the face. I try to will myself to focus but none of those mind over matter techniques seem to be working. It’s no good, my body just won’t cooperate.

All I could think of is that I’ve never be gladder to be working from home because if I was working in an office and falling asleep all over the place like that, I’d be so fired.

My OBGYN says I should be *ahem* getting as much rest as I can, even if it involves 4-hour naps in the middle of the morning. He even offered me MCs to be on bed rest until I felt better – best doctor ever.

I’d love to say that I’m enjoying all the extra rest but most of the time, I wake up feeling as tired as before I napped and increasingly miserable because I just lost two hours taking a nap that doesn’t seem to help. I feel like I’m sluggish and unproductive and half drugged and there’s so much to do and I need to snap out of this.

On the bright side, the kids have been the sweetest. They take turns to tuck me into bed and fuss over me and the other day, I heard Kirsten shushing baby Finn and saying “shhhh, be quiet, mommy is pregnant she needs to rest.”

what does mommy do
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  • Reply San December 27, 2013 at 2:18 pm

    Oh man, I feel your pain and lethargy. Chin up and I pray the zzzz’s quickly disappear and the energy spurt of the second tri comes in (somehow)! Just the thought of a 4th is enough to put me in a mini fatigue coma so you are doing AWESOME!
    San´s last post ..A Christmas first!

    • Reply Ally December 27, 2013 at 3:00 pm

      Hi, Daphne, 4 is a awesome number and also can be a worrying number. I wanted a 4th but many times I decided 3 will be the best. I am working full time, 3 is enough to make me busy till middle of the night though sometimes I wish 4th would come out and I wonder whether how he would look like… And most importantly is it a girl (a gender hubb and I wished for) but nothing is guaranteed…. Now we Are carefree #3 can walk by himself and less troublesome when bringing them out.
      Hope your tiredness will grow out soon and return your body to normal state and keep on blogging, love your blogging style.
      Ally´s last post ..Out of the Vox: Vel’s confession

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