
Down to 4 weeks

Week 36. I’m pretty sure this is the point where I start to panic.

I’ve been trying to enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy because this is the last time I’m ever doing this. For real this time, y’all! This will be the last time I’m going to feel the flutter of a baby’s feet against my ribcage while I try to sleep at night. Or be able to stop in the middle of a busy day just to talk to my belly because the baby needs her daily dose of mommy time. Or have access to an unlimited stash of coupons for extra massages and special attention from my big kids.

Just over the weekend, I woke up to Finn whispering “You’re so cute, baby Hayley” at my stomach. I’m going to miss that.

But as each day passes and I get closer to the delivery, reality (and mostly panic!) starts to sink in.

Am I really gonna be able to cope with 5 kids??!! The logistics of getting everyone where they need to be at various points in the day is going to be insane.

And another newborn??? Remember the soul crushing exhaustion from not sleeping for 300 hours?? Have fun with that.

I’ll also have to get through another round of labor + delivery before we get to the screaming newborn part.

Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

The only thing that makes it better is knowing that I’m meeting my baby soon and she’ll be the most beautiful tiny human being I’ve ever seen. Ok, I’ve seen 4 ridiculously cute ones but each time, it’s like meeting the love of your life for the first time and that takes your breath away.


And how’s baby Hayley doing? Very well.

She’s enjoying herself a little too much, it seems. There are 4 more weeks of baking to be done and baby Hayley’s already pushing 3kg, which puts her at the chubbiest of the lot by far. At this rate, she’ll make it to 3.5kg and beyond, which is super adorable once she’s out but seeing that I’m the one having to birth a chubby baby at the risk of a possible c-sect wound rupture, I’m under strict orders to dial back on eating as a whole.

I thought I’d done a nice job keeping the weight gain to a low 8kg this pregnancy, but clearly this baby is a foodie, so I’m having to stage an intervention.

Last week, my OBGYN handed me a very long list of all the things I’m not allowed to eat until the baby is out and it is brutal. This is the one thing I enjoy most during pregnancy, to eat as I wish because BABY! But down to 4 weeks of my final pregnancy and I’m giving up food too. :(

There will be no milk, no bubble tea, no late night milo, no durians, no cake, no hokkien mee with extra crispy pork lard, no desserts of any kind, and a limit of 8 grapes each time??! No, really, who eats 8 grapes each time? It’s like when I tell the kids they can only eat 5 fries and I can see actual sadness in their eyes. If you’re going to be eating fries, then just go to town on the whole box until you get to the point of self loathing. At least that way, you won’t be eating fries for a while, so problem solved.

My doctor tried to make me feel better like, “it’s not so bad, you can still have a slice of wholemeal bread as a snack” and I was like “um thanks but you’re kind of making it worse.

In any case, 4 more weeks…we’re getting there!

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  • Reply Meeiee May 17, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Enjoy reading your blog. Is ur gynae my gynae too?? My gynae was telling me the same thing last sat at my 37th weeks!! Enjoy the last lap and all the best.

    • Reply Daphne May 17, 2016 at 11:16 pm

      Hahaha Dr Benjamin Tham??! But he’s awesome – he delivered Kirsten, Finn and Theo successfully via vbac so I’ll do whatever he says. :)

      All the best for your delivery too, so exciting!!

      • Reply Elieen May 19, 2016 at 3:12 pm

        I got the same list from Dr Tham last year, but mine was around mid-pregnancy (borderline GD). I only gained 8kg in total, but it was so sad. No ice-cream! No cakes!

      • Reply Meeiee May 30, 2016 at 6:32 pm

        Yes Dr Ben Tham!! The not more than 8 grapes advise can only be from him!! I have delivered last week. All the best and enjoy the very last lap of your pregnancy :))

        • Reply Daphne May 30, 2016 at 6:41 pm

          Congrats!! Hope it’s a quick recovery! And get lots of rest :)

          Haha I hate to say this but I kept to the 8 grapes for like 3 days and then ate like 25. In my defence, the grapes were exceptionally sweet + bouncy and I had to make up for all the bubble tea I wasn’t drinking.

  • Reply Nat May 17, 2016 at 6:31 pm

    Have fun with the last 4 weeks! Been enjoying taking a break from the recent full time work transition back to media by reading 3 posts / day of ur blog (and sometimes asking myself why ain’t I back home with the kids!!!) so look forward to reading more adventures with the 5th!

    • Reply Daphne May 17, 2016 at 11:17 pm

      Thanks Nat!! I’m sure you’re doing awesome things at work – hope the transition is going well. :)

  • Reply Adeline May 18, 2016 at 9:24 am

    Four more weeks! That’s really soon! I’ve (hopefully) got another 12 more weeks to go, and I’m seriously pigging out these days, because “the babies are hungry”. Yes, that’s my excuse too. I mean, isn’t pigging out one of the best things about being pregnant? I can imagine how miserable you must be feeling, to have been told that you CAN’T eat all your fav things. Maybe you can have one cheat meal/snack a day? ;)
    Adeline´s last post ..Three of my Pregnancy Must-Have Items

    • Reply Daphne May 30, 2016 at 6:45 pm

      Hang in there babe! Twins are so awesome, so thrilled for you!! :)

      I’m already making a list of all the things I’m going to eat once this baby comes out. Can’t wait!!

  • Reply Morgan June 16, 2016 at 4:52 am

    Ah, you’re getting so close! That is so exciting! Pregnancy is a bumpy ride with tons of ups and downs, but such an amazing adventure, nonetheless! Congratulations! Thanks so much for keeping us updated!

  • Reply Selene February 8, 2017 at 4:33 am

    Great post! It’s certainly hard to restrict your food choices, especially when you’re pregnant! Sounds like you have a great OBGYN. Thanks for sharing!

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