So here’s the deal. According to the gynae, Kirsten has up till Sunday to come out. The best case scenario is if I go into labor before then and my cervix cooperates and voila! If that doesn’t happen, I’ve got two choices, which is either to go for a c-section or medical induction on Sunday morning.
Either way, she’s coming out by then.
It’s a bit of a pickle, seeing that I’m intent on doing my darnest to squeeze her out of my thing. I’m totally dreading having to go for another c-section, where the recovery will be a real pain (literally). Plus, there’s the breastfeeding problem and not to mention, that destroys all chance of ever going for VBAC again. Which means my dream of having half a dozen kids will be up in smoke.
But the induction doesn’t bode well either, as it increases the risk of a scar rupture by like 5-6%. Which is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but if you think about it, any chance that my stomach could spontaneously split open while I’m trying to push a child out of my vajayjay s is not an appealing prospect at all.
I’ve got the next 3 days to decide if I’m going to take the chance, and the thought of either scenario is making me panic a little. I’m still keeping my fingers crossed that she will decide to come out on her own before Sunday. But looking on the bright side, at least after Sunday I won’t be pregnant anymore.
And of course, it’ll be a whole new round of madness. It’s going to be so much fun.
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And three years later baby Finn came along =)
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