Father Inc, precious moments

Daddies are delicious

Is it just me or does Father’s Day seem to be less of a big deal? It’s like while women (who are mothers) are often defined by their role as a mother, men are usually defined by their fancy jobs and the size of their um, cars. For most men, being a father is relegated to an afterthought, like that guy over there is an Emeritus Minister, drives a Bentley and BTW, has 3 kids.

These days though, we’re seeing the rise of the Superdad, who take on their fair share of parenting duties, and then some. Like I always say, they’re practically moms, minus the breastfeeding. And today’s post will be all about the husband, whose Superdad status has reached legendary proportions.

Ask any woman and they’ll tell you that there’s nothing more smokin’ hot than a man who adores his kids and is adored right back by them. It’s exactly why guys who bring along a puppy for a walk in the park are 83% more likely to pick up a hot chick than those who fly solo.

Being Father’s Day and all, it seemed like a good time to make a list of my all time favorite daddy moments.

1. Dogwalking at East Coast.

On a hotness scale, guys who bring a dog to the park have a +25 points advantage, guys who bring kids to the park have a +50 points advantage and guys who bring a dog and kids to the park have a whopping +100 points advantage. That’s a guaranteed fly ball-out-of-the-park home run.

2. Sitting on the shoulders of giants.

This is a classic daddy move. Women are just not ergonomically designed to carry kids on their shoulders – I do this for 2 seconds and my neck feels like it’s about to fall off. We carry them close to our boobs for snuggling but daddies are just right for that added height boost.

3. Matchy matchy outfits.

I know how much guys hate doing the matchy matchy outfits thing because “it’s so girly and gross”. I had to order these tees from Threadless and make them wear the exact same tops on the same day. Too cute for words.

4. Being a pretend unicorn.

Again, something that falls squarely in the daddy’s domain. My stomach muscles just aren’t defined enough to withstand this sort of abuse. Good thing there’s daddy to take one for the team and offer the unicorn riding services.

5. Baby kisses.

This makes my heart melt into the shape of a Precious Moments figurine. Ok, inside joke. But this is definitely my absolute favoritest moment of all.

Happy Father’s Day, sweetheart.

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  • Reply Ruth June 18, 2011 at 9:50 am

    My hubby likes to wear matchy outfits with our boy! And I love it when they do that :) Then the spouse will go “me and mini-me!” *LOL* Anyway, happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads!

    • Reply Daphne June 20, 2011 at 10:15 pm

      I wanna see pictures of Kenan and Daddy in matchy outfits!

  • Reply Emily June 20, 2011 at 9:19 am

    Hi Daphne,
    Fantastic post and awesome pictures. I love the last picture so much. Very loving and heartwarming, and it really melts my heart too. :)

    You have a really awesome blog! Hope you’ll win Best Family Blog award, and of course, I will vote for you. :)


    • Reply Daphne June 20, 2011 at 10:39 pm

      Wow Emily, you are very kind. Thanks for the support! Happy belated Father’s Day to Venneth as well, he seems like a great Daddy. :)

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