precious moments

Big sisters = LOVE

We’re starting to see a very stark difference in the way Kirsten and Truett relate to baby Finn. They both adore him to bits but Truett’s interactions with him are all crazy fun and unrestrained mayhem – they have a testosterone-charged, male bonding kind of understanding.

Kirsten, on the other hand, has developed a nurturing touch with Finn, that maternal instinct, if you can call it that. She goes equally crazy playing with Tru but when it comes to baby Finn, it’s like she’s turns into this big protective momma bear.

She seems to have decided that Finn is her baby and she babies him like a real baby mommy.

Amazingly, he just lets her do whatever she does to him without protesting.

kirsten & finn

“I need to sleep near Finn Finn so I can share my duck with him.”

playing together

“Sigh, ok, I will teach you how to play, but you only get 5 minutes.”

up to no good together

“Finn FInn, put your hand here, so cool right?”

big sisters are the best

“Quick mom, you need to take a picture of me and my baby.”

stay still baby finn

“Stay…STILL!! Jie jie…must…carry…you…*grunt*…too…heavy…”

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  • Reply Madeline Heng January 15, 2014 at 10:37 am

    Mine comes home from school and declares, “where’s MY baby?!?!” And proceeds to over pat, kiss and bear hug the baby, to which we will tell her “the baby’s too small!” Haha. Girls are different.
    Madeline Heng´s last post ..My Breastfeeding Diary: Week 2

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2014 at 11:45 am

      She’s so cute! They used to squash Finn until he got really upset when he was younger but he’s more hardy these days and he doesn’t seem to mind their advances

  • Reply Hilda Han January 15, 2014 at 10:49 am

    I know! And I think it’s great! My eldest – 6 years old girl – is like a little mother hen and I can totally count on her to take care of my youngest – almost 2 year old boy. Whereas my 4 year old son also loves his little bro’ and also gives in to him, the way he cares for him is different from big zeze.

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2014 at 11:53 am

      That’s really sweet! One time truett got upset with Finn for destroying his toy and Kirsten immediately came to the rescue and said “it’s ok, don’t be so fierce to my didi, he’s just a baby.”

      • Reply hilda January 15, 2014 at 9:15 pm

        Awww! Such a sweetheart…

  • Reply jaime January 15, 2014 at 11:02 am

    totally agree…my oldest being a boy is quite nonchalant about the baby brother as compared to my girl…the most he does is just call his name…period..as for the girl, she adore the baby brother to bits and wants to hug him every time..its so different..i tot its the age gap…now i believe its the gender

    • Reply Daphne January 15, 2014 at 11:54 am

      Haha i think it’s definitely the gender. Girls have that softer touch and they know that they should be gentle with smaller babies.

  • Reply Daphne Maia January 17, 2014 at 9:31 am

    I never had a didi to love. :( haha I think it’s also a bit different when you’re in a family of four girls.
    Daphne Maia´s last post ..Slim Body vs Strong Body

  • Reply Rachel March 26, 2014 at 11:53 pm

    Really enjoy reading your blog. Short and sweet ;)

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