precious moments

2013 in a few words and pictures

At the end of every year, I sit down and do this post, to remember the very best parts of the year gone by. Even if the year wasn’t stellar or filled with moments I’d rather not relive, it’s cathartic to sort of acknowledge the not-so-good parts, feeling glad that perhaps the worst is over.

But mostly to find and celebrate the good parts.

2013 has been one of the good ones.

As far as years go, it was overwhelming. Present throughout the year was a feeling that I was barely catching up with everything I wanted to do. All the balls I had up in the air each felt like they were threatening to fall just out of my reach the moment I took my glance off it and onto something else. Sometimes I think maybe we should slow down and take our feet off the pedal just a little but the husband and I have a condition of being chronically restless and a smidge masochistic so we’re constantly flinging up new balls into the air just because.

But on the bright side, I dare say that we’ve gotten a lot done this year. A lot to celebrate and thankful for.

Adjusting to 3 kids has been exciting but it’s also been the year we’ve had the most fun with the three of them. There’s never been more adventures in the park or giant bear hugs (especially from baby Finn, who spends his day randomly doling out tummy squeezes to his siblings) or pre-bedtime tumbles or synchronised battle cries as they charged around the house, roaring in unison. Good times.

Ok, enough words. My 2013 in pictures.

1. Is this the raddest baby of the year or what? My heart can’t even, urgh, he’s too cute is what. 

finn 3

baby finn

finn 2

2. So Bali was breathtaking and loads of fun, if not for the lizards and occasional uhm, FROG.


bali kids

3. Truett turned 5?!! and I made an angry birds cake for his party – achievement unlocked. 



4. Sydney and Melbourne were awesome as always. 




5. My baby girl turned 4 in style. This girl is the beat of my heart. 


6. And then there was that time I tried to change a dollar coin with a stranger and she thought I was begging for money. There will be no pictures for that. 

7. New York, oh, New York, how you’ve stolen my heart. I’ll be back for you. 


kirsten ice cream

tru fao schwartz

me with the kids

8. Disney! Disney does not require words. 




9. We also witnessed the evolution of The Hair.  

From this:

finn 4

To this:


To this:

the hair 4

And finally to this:

the hair

10. Of all the great things that happened this year, watching my babies loving on each other is the very best one of all.



all 3 kids

However your year went, I hope the year ahead is better than ever. See you guys in the new year!

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  • Reply Living Serenely December 31, 2013 at 8:23 pm

    Beautiful summary in pictures… it seemed not long ago when you were just introducing little Finn to the us. I actually didn’t catch that post of the angry birds cake and I’m blown away by the simplicity and genius of what you managed to pull together. Have a terrific start to the new year!
    Living Serenely´s last post ..The old and the new

  • Reply Andrea January 1, 2014 at 2:30 am

    Thanks for all the great posts in 2013, loved the photos on finn n the write up on the kids exchanges and new york n Australia n of cos pregnancy n parenthood :) Looking forward to more, literally, in 2014!! Happy New Year!!

  • Reply Ling January 6, 2014 at 2:44 pm

    Oh you got me all inspired to do up a thanksgiving photo post (when I managed to find the time to find the photos)!

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